Governor Beshear says his latest orders on restaurants, bars, gyms, and other indoor locations will still be lifted on Monday but those places will have to go back to operating at 50 percent capacity.
Governor Beshear says his latest orders on restaurants, bars, gyms, and other indoor locations will still be lifted on Monday but those places will have to go back to operating at 50 percent capacity.
Comes as kentucky..
Announces a new record high for coronavirus cases... just a day... after reporting fewer positives, than last week.
But even with today's numbers..
Governor andy besher says his latest orders on restaurants, bars, gyms, and other indoor locations... will 'still' be lifted on monday..
But those places, will have to go back, to operating at 50 percent capacitiy.
Gov andy beshear 16:09 "so for restaurants and bars, that will be 50 percent capacity, of the indoor dining.
But there has to be a renewed committment to enforcing the mask mandate."16:21 -butted-- 17:15 crfew will still be in effect, service stops at 11, must close no later than midneight.
17:20 -butted 17:21 gym fitness centers pools other indoor recreation activities 50 percent capacity but mask must be worn while excercising and obviously not in the pool, 17:33 according to governor beshear... indoor home social gatherings are going to stay at a recommended two households.... and as previously announced..
All public, and private, middle and high schools... will 'continue' on remote instruction until january 4th... while elementary schools..
Can return to in-person learning..
If their county is out of the red zone.
Governor beshear .
Reported 4,324 new cases of the virus today..
Which is the highest number of new daily positives recorded in the commonwealth.
The total positive is now..
According to the governor..
The states positivity rate declined for the seventh straight day... it's now at 9 point 1-3 percent.
18:05 now we do have the highest number of cases that we've ever had today.
Even with that we're tracking about 800 fewer cases than last week.
Remember, we got to platau before we can decrease.
When we talk about covid being a fast moving train, it doesnt just immediately turn; you have to slow it down, stop it and turn it around.
18:28 --butted--- 18:37 we may also be seeing some of the impact from thanksgiving in these numbers, that we could be moving in the right way, but still, thanksgiving has a major impact.
I can tell you that if we are seeing thanksgivings impact, its a lot less than what we are seeing in some other states."18:54 according to govenor beshear..
There were 28 new deaths reported today.
The the total number of people who have died in the state, is now..
The total total number of people currently hospitalized with the virus..
Is now..
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