A savvy online shopper has come up with a brilliant way to avoid shipping fees entirely.While buying some jeans on the American Eagle website, TikTok user Catherine Reigle decided to make a video showing off how she’s able to score free shipping on all her order.“So I wanted these jeans off American Eagle but there was nothing else that I wanted and there was free shipping for $50 or more,” she explained.
“They were only $37.46”.What did she do?
.She bought the difference in a $13 American Eagle gift card, which she can use later when she finds something on the website she’s actually interested in purchasing.The gift card brought her total to just over $50 — enough to score free shipping instead of paying $7.Shoppers applauded Reigle for coming up with such a “genius” workaround.“Why did I never think of this?” one user asked.
“You really just changed the game for me thank you,” another commented