A toy fundraiser put on my a restaurant will help Operation Breakthrough, where they will help thousands of metro kids have a gift to open this Christmas.
The organization helps families with kids in poverty.
A toy fundraiser put on my a restaurant will help Operation Breakthrough, where they will help thousands of metro kids have a gift to open this Christmas.
The organization helps families with kids in poverty.
THANKS GARY.AND IF YOU'VE HAVEN'TSPOTTED HER YET YOUSHOULD KNOW -- MRS.CLAUS IS IN KANSAS CITY!AS 41 ACTION NEWSREPORTER NICK STARLINGSHOWS US -- SHE'SWORKING HARD TO BRINGTHE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT TOFAMILIES ACROSS THEMETRO THIS YEAR.MEET CHELLE COOPEROR...MRS. CLAUS.12:28:57 Chelle Cooper, "Mrs.Claus"Of course, who isn't interestedin being Mrs. Claus the FirstLady of Christmas.SHE GREETS CUSTOMERSAT THE RESTAURANTRAGAZZA IN KANSAS CITY.SHE'D NORMALLY DRESSAS MRS. CLAUS FORWINTERFEST AT WORLDSOF FUN-but those plans werecancelled due to the pandemicTHOSE PLANSTHAT DIDN'T STOP HERDESIRE though, TO SPREADJO12:31:22 Chelle Cooper, Mrs.ClausIt's been nice to have thissmall little bubble of Christmasspirit with Mrs. Claus wherewe can come and for a fewhours of the day we can forgetabout all of that and justremember we're going to beokay.TO BE IN THAT CHRISTMASSPIRIT...MRS. CLAUSALONG WITH CUSTOMERSOF THE RESTAURANT HADTHE IDEA OF COLLECTINGTOYS FOR KIDS IN NEEDTHIS YEAR.AND YOU CAN SEE THECOMMUNITY really STEPPEDUP.12:59:12 Mark Skolaut,brought gifts to toy driveFor people in the communityto donate it really is a huge,huge thing so whether it goesto low income people or kidsin foster care it's not a lotforpeople to buy a 10-dollar toybut it means a lot to thepeople who receive it.STANDUP:THE TOYS WILL GO HERETO OPERATIONBREAKTHROUGH WHERETHEY WILL HELPTHOUSANDS OF KIDs HAVEA GIFT THIS CHRISTMAS.13:35:06 Mary Esselman-CEOof Operation BreakthroughThis has been a really toughyear for families, tougher thanmost years.MARY ESSELMAN IS THECEO OF OPERATIONBREAKTHROUGH-ANORGANIZATION THATHELPS METRO FAMILIESWITH KIDS IN POVERTY.They say THEIR NEEDSHAVE SURGE BY MORETHAN 20-PERCENT.13:36:01 Mary Esselman-CEOof Operation BreakthroughManaging on even morelimited resources and knowingthat you want Christmas tofeel like Christmas, havingthat support from thecommunity in terms of thosedrives for toys and just diapershas been huge.EVEN IN THE WORST OFTIMESTHERE'S THOSEOUT THERE LIKE MRS.CLAUS-BRINGINGHAPPINESS TO OURCOMMUNITY.12:33:47 Chelle Cooper, Mrs.ClausThis is a reminder that there'sfar more good in the world andwe just need to make surethat we focus on that to getthrough these hard times.REPORTING IN KANSASCITYNICK STARLING41 ACTION NEWS.MRS. CLAUS WANTS TOMAKE THIS AN ANNUALTRADITION AT THERESTAURANT.IF YOU WANT TO DONATETO OPERATIONBREAKTHROUGHYOURSELF, THEY AREALWAYS LOOKING FORFOOD...DIAPERS ANDTIOLETRIES JUST GIVETHEM A CALL.THAT NUMBER'S ON YOURSCREEN NOW -- IT IS