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Friday, 27 December 2024

The Great Conjunction

Credit: WAPT
Duration: 01:37s 0 shares 1 views

The Great Conjunction
The Great Conjunction
Saturn and Jupiter appear closer than they have in 800 years tonight.

The great conjunction happening tonightto December 21st, also on the wintersolstice.

So a lot of rare things werehappening tonight with this and a lotof buzz about it on social media beingcalled the Star of Bethlehem beingcalled the Christmas Star.

Well, it'sreally not a star at all.

It's twoplanets that we're gonna look veryclose together, Saturn and Jupiter.

Andif you look out tonight, you go outside.Look in the Southwest horizon justabove the horizon line.

You'll spotJupiter not hard to spot it all verybright planet just to the left ofJupiter is Saturn.

And, uh, you'regoing to see them looking very closetogether.

In fact, about 0.1 degree isgoing to separate the two planets, butin reality they're very far apart.

Butgoing to separate the two planets, butin reality they're very far apart.

Butwe're so far away from it, it's goingto look like they're right on top ofwe're so far away from it, it's goingto look like they're right on top ofeach other.

But there's a look at theirrespective orbit.

So here's how it'sgoing to look tonight.

So we'rethinking, uh, dust to twilight about anhour after that in that time frame.

Sobetween five and seven o'clock thisevening, you wanna head outside youwanna look to the Southwest, make sureyou have a pretty clear view of thehorizon and you'll see Jupiter andSaturn right there.

And this is a rareevent again.

This has not happened inthe last 800 years.

And the next timethat we'll see something like this isgonna be in the year 2080.

So, another60 years from now, this is going tohappen.

So this is really a once in alifetime thing.

But again tonight, gooutside.

Look to the Southwest spot.Jupiter.

Saturn is going to be rightnear Jupiter is being called the Starof Bethlehem or The Christmas Star.

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