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Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Charlie Monk, the "Mayor of Music Row" joins us from Nashville with a look back at his career, Pt.1

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Charlie Monk, the 'Mayor of Music Row' joins us from Nashville with a look back at his career, Pt.1
Charlie Monk, the "Mayor of Music Row" joins us from Nashville with a look back at his career, Pt.1

Charlie Monk, the "Mayor of Music Row" joins us from Nashville with a look back at his career.

Part 1

Music fans you don't want to miss the next couple of blocks your touch chat, especially if you are a country music fan, because our next guest has helped forge the careers of music people going back ... decades.

Again, the call and the mayor of music grow my pleasure to introduce to you my friend charlie, not charlie good morning morning to you yes sir i can do real loud and clear.

First of all, i hope you and th entire mock family have a very christmas.

I want to go back a few years.

Tell us how you got the name to your abuser ... 50 years on grow and an amazing story on me many years ago on call country weekly ... magazines and he said he knows everybody busy must be the mayo music grow, so it was disseminated to the music business a few guys and gals to place and they would say things degrading things like he thinks he is the mayor jotting out yet.

Ultimately i started doing radi show ... and colonials referred to must obey h music and also i kept doing it long enough to not go to parties, they welcome me as well and i get a drink and you were still doing a radio show o sirius xm charlie is the host of enemies on the air from six until 10 every week to and he i the host on willie's roadhouse so you and willie nelson obviously have a history together and we will go in the whole lot of detail starts and i miss you and nora certainly will.

So i'll cut offshoot.

What's it like to work for a guy like willie mills ... well we don't really want rick contact willie guzzo willie is 86 years old still works every day.

"the pandemic is kind of screwed that up to the probably is the oldest nightly entertainer on the road is your guy.

I works he writes songs.

He writes books is probably the busiest people in shelters but anyway of having known willie over the years of i wanted to be one of most charismatic people is because authentic and that's a my use of the word because people often ask me how i suspect people might be ... entertaining, famous and known only one day ... that people that have become really famous and entertaining really authentic notes.

What you see is what you get ... when women nelson triggers charles olin and all in and you know that he not only is right songs for himself.

We record songs he got right when he writes on appropriate entities.

It is a class almost a classically trained jan the musician.

A lot of people know about willie.

He does have leah big affection for the jazz music ... genre, which i didn't know until several years ago when the axis single backdating.

You can email greg at charts with jamie reinhardt.

I was cut i and so we began to practice those jazz licks, but again he was authentic because in the country disc jockey or a meal.

I didn't foresee what he was around like i was rock 'n roll, got started so we we we became rock 'n roll.

His job people forget sometimes it rock 'n roll.

Really, jerry lee and perkins johnny cash and elvis and these guys are just country boys sang well, which will let you know all of those guys too and you were ... you were there pretty much ever step of the way out one asking someone only got we've only got about 60 seconds left in this particular site, but i wanted to ask you.

Looking back over the year 2020 is truly is.

It's been good.

He thinks had an outstanding year in country music ... dolly parton ... most famous day and she said usually successful year this year and she's been doing a lon time of probably on the receiving young men ... home and any names.

Maybe we need to look out for ... next year ... will puts you is i'm guessing you know what the prognosticator i know ... your blood masticating for you and well but there ... damn you did you ... that is is a concentric group that's happening now and adjustments taylor swift courses at one year to but to some of the newer ones.

It's really hard to keep up with amazing even in this ... over time, because of the stream a lot radio will consequently a lot of names that i think would not wait five or six or seven years.

For we know really is successful.

I charlie had all year.

We have to take a quick break so we can pay your salary your your parents will show you, so stick around will continue our conversation later user gro,

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