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Friday, 24 January 2025

Homeless vets in the winter

Credit: WTHI
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Homeless vets in the winter
Homeless vets in the winter
Homeless vets in the winter

It's no surprise many people have found themselves needing extra help this year.

Organizations are lending a helping hand as much as they can.... but they still need your help..especially as the weather gets colder.

News 10's bri shackelford joins us to explain how one local organization is stepping up.

The terre haute loyal veterans battalion has a clothing closet.

It's designed to help out the homeless in vigo county....homeless veterans...and those in need.

This year that closet has had to order to keep serving people.

[take pkg incue: "michael egy is.... outcue: ....that for information" duration:1:15] michael egy is with the loyal veterans battalion here in terre haute.

He tells me that there are more than 1-hundred and 50 homeless veterans....and more than 3-hundred homeless people here in vigo county alone.

He says this year...they've seen something very different....and it's changed the way they operate.

"but, we've seen an increase in new people coming to the clothing closet.

Which says to me, that there is now a greater need out there.

And it's probably due to the covid-19 pandemic."

Some changes that were made to keep everyone safe is you now have to wait outside to receive your items... you can no longer walk through the closet.

Egy tells me right now....they are in need of a specific kind of clothes.

To keep homeless veterans warm.

"but if you think about what time of year it is, those are the type of clothes that we nee d.

So right now, we're looking for winter clothes."

Egy tells me that he can't wait for people to come inside the closet again... but until then....he says he's happy to help however he can..

"there's a lot of resources availible to our veterans, but they don't know where they are, or how to go about getting them.

So we like to think that we have become a recource center for just that, for information."


Egy says the clothing closet is always accepting donations.

To find out how you can donate you can visit our website.

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