Parents are speaking out after a major decision was made last week by Gov.
Kate Brown, impacting the future of schools across Oregon.
Parents are speaking out after a major decision was made last week by Gov.
Kate Brown, impacting the future of schools across Oregon.
Correctional institution.
Parents are speaking out tonight, after governor kate brown announced last week it would be up to districts to decide..
When and if schools can reopen their doors.
Kezi 9 news reporter kennedy has the latest on their plans..
And how parents are feeling about the possibility of kids back in the classroom.
< brown: "i am absolutely committed to getting our kids back into the classroom for in person education."
The power now lies in the hands of local school districts to decide when and if school doors will reopen -- guidance enforced january 1st.
Anna lidbeck is a parent with three children in the harrisburg school district -- who says she doesn't have any concerns about a return to the classroom.
Anna: "i was very excited.
The first thing i did was text a few of my friends who have been very anxiously waiting and asking if they'd heard the news."
District officials told me monday that leaders will meet tuesday to decide what the new guidance means for them..
Bridge: but there's still families who have doubts about their students walking through these doors anytime soon --saying they just don't feel safe enough.
Phoner: brandy: "we're going to be keeping ours at home.
My son is medically fragile.
My daughter has some issues, so i'm going to keep them in as much as possible."
While new guidance for eugene 4-j hasn't been released yet, she says the decision should still rely on metrics.
Phoner: brandy: "the schooling can be caught up.
We need to keep them healthy, keep them happy and keep them low stress the best we can."
The springfield education association says they believe springfield public schools will do their best to keep students and staff safe -- as they continue to figure out what's next.
Roseburg public schools plan to introduce limited in person instruction starting january 12th and 13th for just one day a week.
Brown: "we want to make sure our districts have the resources they need and tools they need to begin."
Whatever district's decide..
The hope for parents remains the same -- to have a safe and successful school year.
Anna: "i'm very hopeful for 2021.
And i'm very excited to see my children in the classroom again."
Reporting in lane county kennedy dendy kezi 9