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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

COVID-19 Vaccine Scams on the Rise

Credit: WEVV
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COVID-19 Vaccine Scams on the Rise
COVID-19 Vaccine Scams on the Rise

If you get a call, text, email or even someone knocking on your door claiming they can get you early access to the vaccine, it's undoubtedly a call for alarm.

America.... and with so much information on vaccines circulating --- scammers want to convince you to roll up your sleeves-- in hopes of making a quick buck..... but as 44news reporter valerie lyons explains -- there's a few ways you can spot the fake.... valerie--what can you tell us?

Megan -- it's becoming a growing problem -- and it's important to know -- if you get a call -- text -- email -- or even someone knocking on your door -- claiming they can get you early access to the vaccine -- there's no question -- it's a scam -- new year -- new scam -- as covid-19 vaccines roll out -- scammers are on the prowl -- looking to take advantage of those eager to get the shot -- "people are not sure if they should be contacting somebody to get the vaccine or if they should be receiving a phone call from somebody."

Oana schneider with the better business bureau in evansville says each state already has a distribution plan -- so any offers to receive it sooner -- are a red flag "we actually got an email from someone saying that they received an offer saying that if they just paid only 500 dollars they would be put at the top of the list to get the covid vaccine and they wanted to know if this was real or not."

Her advice -- don't fall for it.

"because people are scared and scammers know this, they are trying to bank on your sense of urgency to find out what your condition is, what you need to be doing, what things you need to be addressing and so on."

She says -- there are a few important things to keep in mind -- ignore any texts or emails offering a waitlist-- you cannot pay to get early access to the vaccine -- you will not be solicited door to door to get the vaccine -- and no one from the c-d-c -- medicare -- or the health department will contact you -- "if you have any kind of questions abut the vaccine, how to get it, when to get it and so on, the best way to turn to is your doctor's office.

Call them and get your information from there instead of the websites that you find nleserpse scs iree me vain bco al- bssa tin5 nus too mext reahn e aipy gnng orinrmiocabe ne" atr se l o anhetitow ls okt e l t n'seth -itohp probably best to avoid that site.

In evansville -- vl44news.

New tonight --- for some -

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