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Thursday, 9 January 2025

Bob Corker comments on Washington demonstration

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Bob Corker comments on Washington demonstration
Bob Corker comments on Washington demonstration

Former Senator Bob Corker says we saw the true character of Donald Trump today.

"These actions that we are seeing today are a shot at our democracy."

Arrested and will be brought to justice, saying they should be ... all americans that the people and been able to save the true character of our presidents died since his action.

Those members of the house and tenant are aiding and abetting him.

What is what is occurring around the college on his nose, and actions that created what is happened i will say so it's horrifying.

Is never happened in our country and all those who are participating in this ruse around the electoral college with the president taking most responsibility for this have created the scenario that we saying that you know that the many these people that are there protesting probably hard- working americans, and they long to members of the house and senate and the president leadership and for telling them the truth about things and and so time every day.

Read everything that's going on in many cases and slowly look for leadership and that leadership is one of them today to take th actions that they talk which are horrifying to our country.

These actions are underway or us a shot in our democracy, and i hold because of what is happene today people who were involved in aiding and abetting this rus on the american people will stand out while already, as are many republicans that are being responsible in standing and planning out that this is just not true.

Those who are waiting list by objecting in the manner that they are and the president himself, which is the leader of the mulligan party certainly take response only for this or should saying is a real debate beginning to take place in the party debate that is pleasing back on these types of actions in this type of character and so i'm actually hopeful for the republican party.

I am saying that you know what my son are in and started this much sooner but i wish that glad it is happening now and i'm saying responsible senators responsibl house members pushing back against this again.

This will is being played on the electronic supporters

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