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Friday, 24 January 2025

Zendaya Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia

Credit: GQ
Duration: 11:12s 0 shares 2 views

Zendaya Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia
Zendaya Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia

On this episode of Actually Me, February cover star Zendaya goes undercover on the Internet and responds to real comments from YouTube, Twitter, IMDb and Wikipedia.

Who is her favorite Harry Potter character?

Does she have any tips on dealing with stress and anxiety?

Check out Zendaya's new film "Malcolm & Marie" out February 5th on Netflix.

- I'll tell you what things like Wikipediasometimes are crazy.Sometimes they do know a lot,but like sometimes they are so off basethat I'm like, what and why?Hey GQ, I'm Zendayaand I'm going undercover on the internet.This is actually me.[keyboard clacking]Okay, let's check Twitter.[bright upbeat music]Who is your favorite"Harry Potter" characterand Hogwarts House?People may say this is basic,but I'm gonna go with Harry Potter himselfand Gryffindor, why?Because when I went tothe Harry Potter Museumfor my birthday, they toldme that when they ask peoplewho their favorite characteris, people never say Harry.Somehow because he's the lead character,and he is like the chosen one,people decide not to choose him`cause they think they're being cool.But he is the chosen one people all right?And he's been through a lot and he's a G ,so I'm going with Harry.I feel like I'm a Griffindorbecause I've always loved lions.So I just feel like thatjust, it just feels right.And Harry's a Gryffindor so.[computer chimes]All right, now let's checkout some YouTube comments.Two months ago, how theEmmy got there that fast?Fun facts, everyone whoparticipated in the Emmys,there was somebody standingoutside of everyone's home,I believe with a hazmat suit and an Emmy,and if you win, you got to keep the Emmyand if you did not, they took it.So there was a lovely youngwoman outside of my housewith a hazmat suit and Darnellwho is my like my brotherand my assistant when heheard the news he grabbed itand ran with it.So that's how it got there so fast.Replied, can you believethat there are kids outthere who only knows Zendayafrom "Spider-Man" and"The Greatest Showman"and not from "Shake ItUp" and her Disney days?I feel so old.There was also someone todaythrough their car or through my carthat saw me that said,she was like holding her phoneand she was like throughher mask, you know,saying like I used to love, "Shake It Up",And this is like I havea video on my phoneof like me dancing to itI think for her like elementary school,something I don't knowand it was just so cute`cause obviously she's grown nowand it's just cool to see thefact that people have grownwith me and taking this journey with me.So, yeah I appreciateanyone who has seen anythingthat I do or cares at all.But yeah I love seeing thepeople that have grown up with me`cause we're all kind ofdone this thing together.Okay, next [computer chimes].Zendaya hi, what do youremember from "K.C Undercover"and who are you stillfriends with from that show?I remember a lot, I mean,it wasn't that long ago.That's kind of the funny thingis it feels like it was long time ago`cause it was like adifferent phase in my careerbut it's actually the last thing I didbefore I went and did "Euphoria"So, I remember everything.And yes I am so close withmostly everyone from that show.They really were my family.Kadeem Hardison is one ofthe closest people to me.He's like a mentor, a brother.Kamil is like my brother.For those of you who probably knowI hang with him all the time.He plays video games with me.He's taught me to play videogames in my adult life.Veronica, everyone,everyone I'm very lucky.[computer chimes]One question.On a scale of one to 10how much do you still love Cup O' Noodles?Here's the thing.I'm a vegetarian and it alwayssays it's a chicken flavor,and I always thought it was like,well that's just like a flavoringit's not like real chicken in there,but I saw something that saidit was like essentially chicken powder.And so I was like, well I can't eatthis because it has chicken in it.And I felt like a fraudbecause I've been essentiallyeating chicken powder.So, I cannot eat anymore.So I've since gotten rid of Cup O' Noodlesand Top Ramen altogether,which is, yeah I felt horriblethat I didn't know that.I don't know, I guess I just thoughtit was like artificial flavoringbut I guess there is real chicken in it.I've never said that out loud, sucks.Okay, Quora.How does Zendeya dressso well all the time?I have a secret weapon,his name is Law Roach.He is my stylist since Iwas literally 14 years old.I've never been with anyone else,he is my fashion soulmates.He's taught me a lotabout not just fashion,but self-confidenceand I think self expressionthrough clothing.And I'm not always fashionable, you know,like I got a cool shirt,but like I will admitunder here are some nicebasketball shorts, posted.Zendaya, I really don't work out, me how?I don't know men.I don't enjoy workingout, I really wish I did`cause I feel like itwould be good for me.And I tried,in quarantine I did likemaybe five days consistently.I was like, you know what?This is gonna be my thing,like I gotta keep my body active,like I gotta do this of it.It didn't last very long.And the way that I got myselfto keep going every dayto work out, was like Iwould put on different wigsand pretend to be different charactersbecause I just was craving acting I guess.And I would just like dothese funny skits for Darnell`cause it was just meand him in the house.And every day I'd surprisehim with a new characteras I walked downstairsready to go work out.Again, that only lasted about five days.So, seriously it's actually me.Oh, this is actually to me and Darnell.Do you have any tips on dealingwith stress and anxiety?I mean listen, if you gotsome ideas, let a sister know.I'm kind of trying tonavigate that myself.Stress and anxiety is aconstant factor in my lifedue to my work and howtough I am on myself.And so, I'm kind of on my own discoveryof one of the best waysto kind of manage that in a healthy way,trying to do things that bring me joywhether that be the painting or writing.Sometimes you kind of haveto force yourself to do it,but it is really, really helpful.I've found just like writing thingsout and getting out ofyour thoughts on paperand working through it in that way,and also just having someonethat you can call and just ventto that is just allows youthe space, hold space for youand you hold space for them,I think that's really helpful.But also another thing I've foundalso just being outside innature, obviously safely.So I go on hikes thatnobody is ever around me.It's just me and like Darnell and my dog,and I'm just kind of gettingto get some fresh airand being amongst, youknow, trees and [beep].Do you really buy your ice cream?If so that's not right.Yes I do.I don't really have the samekind of sensitivity in my teeththat people normally have with cold foods.I know normally for peoplethat would be a horrible sensation,but for me I don't really feel much,so it doesn't bother me.Zendaya can you please recommendyour favorite books by Shakespeare?I really wanna try reading onebut I don't really know where to startand you seem like an expert.Well, I haven't read Shakespearein a really long timemostly because I grew up on itand it just was so much apart of I think my childhood`cause my mother worked withCalifornia Shakespeare Theaterever since I was about two years old.So I just lived around it,I didn't even know the kindof the special experiencethat I really got `causeit felt so normal to me.It was really cool for me.And for me, I liked the moreromantic ones, you know,the "As You Like It", the"Midsummer Night's Dreams",those ones are my favorites.But then I also really likedthe intense ones as wellwhether it be like"Richard III" or "Othello"and so on and so forth.It just depends on whatthe mood you're into.And if you're not used toShakespeare, it can be confusingand there are books like"No Fear Shakespeare"and things like that thatcan like help you translatethe text and make it a little bit easierfor you to understand if you get stuck.So happy that a black artist won this.Well I appreciate thatJean, I appreciate it.It was quite a special moment for myselfand hopefully for a lot of other people,I feel very honored.Let's see what Instagram wants to know.You feel perfect when youwere with Noon, don't you?I'll tell what, dogs are the best.Noon is absolutely myemotional support dog.I take, well I try to take him everywhere,he usually comes to work with me,he's like very well-behaved set dog,and it is nice to justlike go in your trailerafter working long daysand just having a little puppythere that just love you,and wants to see you every time,and then it just feels good.Unless my mom is there,then he could care lessthat I'm there.Let's see what is on a Wikipedia.Zendaya was bornSeptember 1st, 1996, true.In Oakland, California, true.The child of Claire MarieStoermer and Kazembeborn Samuel Coleman, true.She has five older half-siblingson her father's side.Her father is African-Americanwith roots in Arkansaswhile her mother has Germanand Scottish ancestry.That's all true, that's all good.This must be updated`cause I'm telling you,the last time I was onthere, there was likeyeah her mom's from like Norwayor something, I don't knowand I was just like, what?No, this is actually accurate.So well done to whoever, you know,typed this information or found it out.How do you know this?What was Zendaya Colemanlike in high school?Well, I didn't go to regular high school.So, I did high school on a setin a room with the teacher and myself.So, my high school experiencewasn't necessarily typical.I was working a lot, Iwas mostly by myself,so I didn't really haveany like other studentsto kind of navigate, you know,my normal high school experience with.So, it's a little bit different.IMDb.Was not told what filmsshe was auditioningfor when she tested for a rolein "Spider-Man Homecoming"until after she got accepted,so during the audition she presumedit was just some randomhigh school comedy thing.Kinda sorta, we weren't supposed to knowthat the script pagesthat we were reading workfor "Spider-Man", but I did findout that it was for "Spider-Man"`cause I have good agents.But I didn't know whatrole I was auditioning for.I just thought it wasgirl in "Spider-Man" movieI didn't really know what characteror what kind of character they would be.Right before the screen test,they were kinda saying,okay these are thecharacters that we're readingfor MJ being one of them.And I was like, oh thatwould be so cool, submit.Girl, I need to knowyour skincare routine.I think the best thing for methat I've found is justconsistency is key,sticking with productsand keeping it simple.I have very sensitiveskin and I can't do much.So I have to do like fragrance-lesskind of situations and justkeep it really, really simplelike cleanser, moisturizer.Don't do too muchbecause when I start to applyto many layers of thingsand too many different masksand too many different things,I break out or I get an eczema flare up.So I got to keep it simple.That's really all I got for you.And wear your sunscreen.All right GQ that is it I am signing off.

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