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Monday, 27 January 2025

Feds warn extremists may be emboldened to carry out additional attacks

Credit: WAPT
Duration: 01:27s 0 shares 2 views

Feds warn extremists may be emboldened to carry out additional attacks
Feds warn extremists may be emboldened to carry out additional attacks
Feds warn extremists may be emboldened to carry out additional attacks

Concrete barricades and metal fencingpopping up alongside bunting andbanners.

Signs of growing concerns ofviolence at President elect Joe Biden'sinauguration.

We are committed to anorderly transition into a safeinauguration.

The American peopledeserve nothing less, law enforcementagencies warned.

The assault on the U.S. Capitol could inspire homegrownterrorists around the country.

We areseeing an extensive amount ofconcerning online chatter the best wayI would describe it about a number ofevents surrounding the inauguration.And together with our partners, weevaluate those threats on what kind ofresource is to deploy against them.Already, prosecutors have chargeddozens of people with federal crimesrelated to the capital chaos.

Lawenforcement expects to arrest hundredsmore.

We've already identified over 200suspects, so we know who you are ifyou're out there on.

FBI agents werecoming to find you.

But chatter aboutcopycat attacks has put federal andstate officials on high alert.

Theywon't catch anyone by surprise thistime.

We know they're there.

We knowhow violent they could be.

In response,thousands of armed National Guardtroops around Washington, D C barriersblocked streets and the iconic NationalMall will be closed on Inauguration Day.We are on the half of making sure thatis secure and it is going to be secure.

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