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Friday, 24 January 2025

Why your second COVID-19 shot might cause more side effects

Credit: WCPO Cincinnati
Duration: 02:41s 0 shares 4 views

Why your second COVID-19 shot might cause more side effects
Why your second COVID-19 shot might cause more side effects

Health leaders said it only happens for about 20% of patients and it’s not a reason to avoid getting vaccinated, but it’s important to know what to expect when you get the shot.

"we've got to be honest andstraightforward: the secondshot's a little harder on youthan the first for somepeople."DOCTORS ARE SEEINGSTRONGER SIDE EFFECTS FROM THECOVID-19 VACCINE ON PEOPLEGETTING SECONDDOSES.WE'RE TALKING ACHES,CHILLS, FEVER, AND ENOUGHFATIGUE TO KEEP SOME PATIENTSHOME FROMWORK.BUT EXPERTS SAY IT'SSTILL SAFER THAN SKIPPING YOURSHOT.REPORTER LARRY SEWARDEXPLAINS.PKGÑ(track)(show vaccine vials)COVID-19 vaccines aretrainers...(show mRNA video)synthetic code called"mRNA"... injected to teachthe body how to build proteinsstrong enough to fight offcoronavirus infection.(show APshot photo)first time sideeffects mostly bring smallaches.(show file reading fire,uc health and/or st elizabethvaccination video)but seconddoses given to doctors, nursesand first responders thisweek...(sot/ tc :35 / dr.philip hartman/ st.

Elizabethhospital system, physician)"you're actually talking tosomebody who got his seconddose on wedensday."(track)(show HARTMAN SHOT VIDEO)...bring expected, new warning.(sot/ tc 8:33/ dr. o'dellowens/ interact for health,ceo)"the second shot's alittle harder on you than thefirst for some people."(track)(show FICHTENBAUM photo)u-chealth doctor carlfichtenbaum... who led trialson moderna's vaccine...(showBOXING photo)says it's like aboxing match and after takinga punch... good fightersprotect themselves.the same istrue for immune systems givenmore than one dose of ANYvaccine.(sot/ tc 2:45/ dr.carl fichtenbaum/ uc health)"the response is often alittle bit more powerful, morevigorous and more quick.that's why when people get thesecond vaccine many times theyfeel a little bit worse thanwhen they got the firstvaccine."(track)doctor philiphartman did not but told usresearch suggests 20-percentof vaccine patients willexperience aches, fever andfatigue strong enough to keepthem away from work for a dayor two after getting theirsecond dose.(sot/ tc 2:44/ dr.philip hartman/ st.

Elizabethhospital system, physician)"it's really a minimalinconvenience to where you'regoing especially when youconsider i treat patients thathad covid six months ago andstill aren't breathing right."(track)it's why no doctor wespoke with wants peopleavoiding the vaccine.(sot/ tc8:37/ dr. o'dell owens/interact for health, ceo)"i'mso afraid that some people aregoing to say oh look whathappened to me and you won'thave these people coming backon time for their second shotand that's important."(track)(show OH VAX PLAN DOC mov)still doctor o'dell owens... amember of ohio's minorityvaccine task force... seesemployers limiting shots.(sot/tc 7:49/ dr. o'dell owens/interact for health, ceo)"healthcare systems will notvaccinate a whole unit at thesame time for fear that if allof them sort of got knockeddown there would be no one towork."(sot/ tc 6:47 / dr. carlfichtenbaum/ uc health)"it'snot that people couldn't worknecessarily.

It's sometimes alittle bit hard for people totell the difference as to am isick with something?

Or isthis the side effect of thevaccine?"(larry looklive)"there's good news fromdoctors telling us vaccineside effects are manageablewith some over-the-countermedicines.

But they say lossof smell, taste or nasalcongestion are reasons to callyour doctor.

Inclifton... larry seward...wcpo... nine new

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