D'Andra Simmons likes having control, but the "RHOD" star knows that the show may not always go her way.
D'Andra Simmons likes having control, but the "RHOD" star knows that the show may not always go her way.
This year, I get to show my vulnerability,my softer side.I decided to take a couple of spiritual journeys,I started to see a shaman,I'd like to be softer, more compassionate, less reactive,I got off all my antidepressants all my ADHD medication.I will tell you one interesting thing about mewith regards to on the show,I kind of look at everything that's happening,that we're doing week by week,and I will make my own notesabout what points I want to get across,so I don't wanna forget that.Because it's really important if you're not prepared,when you're going into doing a sceneand you forget something and then you go, aah,and you can't go back.So, not only at reunion, you obviously look at the episodesand see what happened to be prepared,but I do that kind of every week,and I think it's,a lot of producers think I'm really weird,because I like, (laughter)I go, "Here's my, here's what I wrote,"make sure I get through all this."And they're like, what?
(laughter)But it's one, it's also a worry about,I'm a little older, and I wanna make sure,compared to some of the girls,I wanna make sure I get everything, I don't forget.I have a lot going on in my mind,I'm juggling a lot of things (laughter).I don't that would make your life easier,that you are like, here are my books for the sceneand this is what I would like to say,and I'm not gonna sit until I do it.Well, it's two, it's a catch three two.So they like the fact I'm prepared,on the other hand, then do you take out the spontaneityof what's going to happen.So I always have to remember that justbecause I want this to happenor wanna get this point across,it may not be where it's gonna go,the scene may not go that way.So I have to kind of once again,this is where the hard time to control,give in to what is actually happeninginstead of what I want my point to be.You know what I'm saying?so that's a way I can,I look at it that way when I'm doing work with a showand with the other cast membersand now I've been able to kind of look at itfrom both lenses where I didn't do that before.