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Friday, 31 January 2025

CHI Memorial's Dr. Thomas Devlin discusses the effects of Covid on stroke patients.

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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CHI Memorial's Dr. Thomas Devlin discusses the effects of Covid on stroke patients.
CHI Memorial's Dr. Thomas Devlin discusses the effects of Covid on stroke patients.

CHI Memorial's Dr. Thomas Devlin discusses the effects of Covid on stroke patients.

All ... g it's just glad to have you back with us as we continue on, let's chat.

It is tuesday.

We are here to spend a few minutes elder from dr. tom dublin from chi will dr. devlin good morning.

Good to see you.

Good morning chip.

Great to see you.

Thank for having you guys are doing tremendous things as it pertains to stroke research and treatment at chi memorial befor the launch of the heart of what we're here to talk to to give us a little bit of a sneak preview about some of the good news that we are going to hear hopefully coming from you at chi memorial over the coming ... well, i appreciate you asking m that i think the bottom one is you know chattanooga community here has really together at last years and we've been a major, major wars in forging new treatments for stroke.

I mean we've really been integral to all the development of new technologies, clock grabbing devices themselves are artificial intelligence and i'm just irritated that is going to continue in a very major way and actually zero growth in that so this is a high-tech city.

This is a this is a city with a tremendous heart and commitment to the health of our community and what were doing over at chi memorial is really going to do that.

I think you your lot and things that were to happen, even bigger presence on the national and international leve, so they are certainly lucky to have you leading the pack when it comes to this.

Obviously dr. dublin, a world without stroke specialist so i move ahead.

You have been spending a lot of tim in coven wards.

I understand that you've also been making up real progress on exactly what happens is for us: patients or concern.

Neurological side effects after the covert viruses past the yeah i think this is this is a very important topic that everybody needs to know about no one i have counties like everybody else is been see or severely affected.with cobit we have about 41,000 cases of cobit that we've had over this last year.

Your hamilton do we learn a tremendous amount about how to treat this or mortality rates are going down.

Our numbers ask her going down great but were still learning a lot, particularly a chipper learning about how people recover from cobit, one of the things that we know in the key thing to remember is the vast majority of people that get covert recover just fine right and down.

However, on at some point in time during the course the illness.

About 80% of peopl actually have some neurologic symptoms as part of their cobit illness.

We also know that in some cases, as people recover.

Some people get what are called long-haul symptoms, where they have symptoms that last a long time.

And while the symptoms are largely related to malaise.

He in about a third of those cases they actually have persistent neurologic symptoms ... and this is important because the symptoms can be very warm and is a member of us can give us if you have love absolutely at a little and you clinic popping up all of the united states now at mount sinai of ne york.

Optically, northwestern is a clinic in northwestern chicago.

The chest focuses on the neurologic and the key thing is that from these clinics that are popped up that are doing research, we've learned that in some of these long-haul patient that have persistent symptoms, the number one symptom 45% of people is muscle aches is my out in about 37% of patients they have persistent headache ... there is a there is a phenomeno called rainfall which have sin in happens at about 30% of long- haul cobit patients as they recover where they're just not thinking clearly about a third of these patients have dizzines and balance.

They just don't feel right under the and we know that both are persistent change in smell or loss of smell and loss of taste are quite common as well, and 50% of patients.

Now the good news here chip is the researchers suggested that this is not due to the virus and invading the brain.

It's really a part of this is that make inflammatory response wher the body has enabled a inflammatory response in immune response to the virus and is part of that immune response with the production of differen proteins were called cytokines that these actually can irritate the brain irritate the nurse.

It is not viral and action in the brain the majority symptoms heidi treacy sent so i think the key thing to remember is there are a sums serious neurologic side effects of a program which can occur, and we've been seein those there in less than 1% of the population do we see stroke we see seizures in the seattle rating action and we were worried.

Certainly in a good position to treat those patient as well.

But the key thing to remember is that with the symptoms. the people have.

It's largely symptomatic treatment.

There is no primary treatment.

There is no medicine.

There is no vitamin that actually removes the symptoms what people need t know that i want the audience t know is first of all is a lot of people in coven are communing vast majority people event very well with this number one numbe two persistent neurologic symptoms are common in those symptoms may last weeks to months, but they are getting go away and you're good to be fine now.

The key things to remember are there are some times when we want to take a look specifically if you have severe memory problems with everyone.

It makes it is no strokes.

We want to makes it is no bleeding in the brain because kobe does create the situation which increases the risk of bleeding and the risk to take leave stroke so if you have significant memory.

If you have significant persistent headache, particularly if it's associated with weakness or numbness on one side of the body.

If you have visual changes, these are the things that suggest that there may be something more serious going on.

Dr. know that the water works best when you want to reject your primary care wor and have to leave it there and the doors are doing regards to this stroke research as well.

Thanks jim jackson you want to find out more about dr. doug

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