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Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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New law that could possibly allow teachers to permanently remove students from their classrooms and hear from local businesses as they react to president biden's america rescue plan.

Those stories straight ahead on news 12 now at 6.

"news 12 at 6.

Your news starts now."

Good evening.

I'm andrew harrison.

Good evening.

I'm andrew harrison.

And i'm emily cassulo.

Thanks for joining us for news 12 now at 6.

An education bill moving through the house and senate would allow teachers to permanently remove students from their classroom based on conduct.

Now, educators are weighing in.

News 12's winston reed is live in hamilton county to explain if this bill is receiving support in and outside of the general assembly.

It depends on who you're asking.

Some educators and offials consider the legislation benficials to teachers and the classroom while others believe it can be detrimental to a handful of students.

The "teacher's discipline act" bill that authorizes teachers to remove students from their classroom for good, is receiving mixed reviews.

"once a student gets into the cycle of school discipline, it's really hard to break out of that" aaron fowles.

Hamilton county teacher aaron fowles explained to news 12 that tennessee legislators should focus more on funding schools and laws related strictly on discipline are trivial at best.

"that's why it's important that the implementation recognizes that it is not a school to prison pipeline issue.

That we don't see our students of color being excessibvely focused on" omarkhail.

While president of the education association jeanette omarkhail agrees with fowles about improved funding, she supports the bill nevertheless.

"sometimes you have personality conflicts or there are other issues going in the classroom.

The major thing that we have to look at in the classroom is what does the student need.

But what's next for the students removed?

"directly what i've asked is are we talking about them out on the street" hakeem.

The legislation requires students kicked out of the classroom to attend alternate schools located on sites separate from their previous school.

Just one of the handful of concerns, including the potential volume of students removed, that representative hakeem is receiving.

"i think it would be more beneficial if we had more counselors."

Fowles has yet another suggestion.

"listening to the voices of educators.

Inviting educators into the committees when you're talking about education bills."

Senator hakeem confirmed he will not support the bill as it will come before the general assembly in the next two weeks.

Hamilton county already has a similar discipline practice to the bill but teachers must exaust a series of options before removing their students.

News 12 also reached out to the cleveland city school district for comment but we have not received a response at this time.

Reporting live in hamilton county winston reed news 12 now.

A silverdale inmate faces more charges, after the sheriff's office says he assaulted a corrections deputy.

Hamilton county officials say rodney ballard stepped out of his cell, and struck the deputy in the face, yesterday.

The deputy's injuries were minor, and they were checked out by medical personnel.

Ballard is being charged with simple assault.

He remains in custody.

A 73 year old man who suffered serious burns on friday when a controlled burn got out of control, has died.

Richard donham on snow hill road in harrison suffered burns over 60 to 70 of his body and died sunday morning at a burn treatment center in atlanta.

He had been pulled from the burning field and barn friday afternoon by the highway 58 fire department, and rushed to the hospital by life force.

Funeral services are pending.

Mr. donham was a brother in law of sheriff jim hammond.

As of sunday morning, u.s. border patrol was holding more than 4,200 unaccompanied migrant children in short-term holding facilities, with nearly 3,000 of those unaccompanied minors cbp custody for more than 72 hours.

News 12's kenan scott joins us now live with what local legal experts are saying about the implications of this influx of migrant children.

Emily, andrew according to the department of homeland security on saturday, the biden administration is deploying fema to the mexican border to help care for thousands of unaccompanied migrant teens and children who are arriving in overwhelming numbers and being packed into detention cells and tent shelters.

I spoke with local legal experts who weighed in on the situation, telling me that unfortunately, a lot of this is a continuation of what we've seen in recent years, and will likely continue until lasting immigration reform is passed.

The u.s. house of representatives plans to vote this week on a measure that would protect undocumented immigrants who were brought to the u.s. as children, as well as provide legal status to farm workers.

The move comes as the biden administration plans on sending fema agents to the southern border to care for massive influxes of unaccompanied migrant children who are being held in detention centers.

Chattanooga immigration attorney terry olsen says that due to a law under president trump known as title 42, unaccompanied migrant children had to remain outside of the u.s. due to covid restrictions first and then put through a process before being admitted to the country.

But now with president biden in office, that law has been rescinded.

He says that this has led to the influx of migrant children coming across the border, and due to covid protocols in these detention centers, the process is being delayed.

"you have had an uptick in terms of the amount of children applying but that's because they were also delayed for the last month or two or three months because of these policies so now it's up by almost 30 percent and what's also happened in terms of covid that you weren't allowed to have the same amount of beds in the shelter served to kids."

Brittany faith, another chattanooga-based immigration expert, says that this is a situation that has occurred multiple times over the last few years.

"there have been several times where this has happened previously so in 2014 this happened with the obama administration but this also happened in the trump administration in 2018 and 2019.

And a lot of that surge doesn't necessarily come from our political process, but a lot of it comes from what's happening in their home countries."

Both political parties have made attempts at immigration reform over the last several decades, but no legislative efforts have been successfully passed into law.

It's been reported that homeland security officials have requested that employees volunteer to go to the border immediately to help care for the minors and assist with administrative duties and security functions.

Reporting live in chattanooga, kenan scott news 12 now.

The t double s double a has put south pittsburg's football program on probation for 2 seasons.

This, after the quarterback club reportedly paid past due rent directly to the landlord of a player's family without them knowing.

News 12 reached out to t- s-s-a-a and received a statement.

In the letter, it says t-s-s-a-a will accept south pittsburgh's self-imposed sanctions due to article 17, which says in part athletic recruiting is prohibited.

The quarterback club is a 501c3 nonprofit.

Local business owners are reacting to president biden's american rescue plan.

The law includes $14-hundred dollar stimulus checks for individuals making up to $75-thousand dollars a year, $350 billion in aid to local and state governments, and $14 billion for vaccine distribution.

A key component of the law is $25 billion in relief for small and mid-sized restaurants, something that proof incubator owner mike robinson says will be a big help for restaurants in chattanooga.

"the city and county collectively i think received around 110 million of funds that'll also be deployed.

I think the biggest challenge will be figuring out how and where some of these funds are in these small businesses to find the time each day to apply for grants and apply for you know the additional ppp which does close march 31st so time's ticking."

If you want to see when your stimulus check will arrive, the i-r-s has a tracking tool on its website.

Now, from the epb fiberoptics we bekah bidsall as you are pretty immediately drive past couple weeks rainfall has finally returned to the tennis the value we have a way week ahead starting with.livetype radar announcing the heaviest part of the rate still in jackson and counties but not really a whole lot of lightning associated with this past of hours this has weakened out but still have a chance to see a fe thunderstorms in the next 24 hours but very wet along that i 59 route to be aware of night on your way home from work were to school with and very breezy out there will continue to be breez and we have a very good wet wee ahead of a look at later show all of the breakable teachers o our high school logo reinforcin positive behavior to love through see how their entire way and if he did five recognition you are starting to monday's third off right near 560 and warmed up to almost 70 and we had lots of clouds for this afternoon i will rain showers the comp before the storm over the point earlier this afternoo provided by the epb fiber optic whether cam network of course rainfall has already entered through the tennis rain showers that were watching that is being pushed by his missionary front warm rented passing were getting those with warmth southerly breeze upwards of 25 miles per hour now heading in to your evening hours do you expect a few more rain showers and maybe hear a rumble of honor or two but i think our heaviest rounds of rainfall will be for north alabama north georgia counties this will be continuing on in shoe tuesday said to be aware of that highs will be nice and coo and the maid 60s again going to be dealing with mailing morning rain look at so see if you showers mainly south of chattanooga for the afternoon and heading into wednesday will start to be a warm front pushed through the tennis valley not to give us an influx of southerly moisture with a cold front on its way cycle is obese weeping by warm air up into the atmosphere making things really unstable so will probably reach highs near's avenue degrees with some rain chances starting just after two 3 pm will see some scatter rain showers along with a few thunderstorms heavy downpours but i think our best chance to see potentially strong to severe thunderstorms will be just after 7 pm on the southwest as you can see this and can be the radar late wednesday night wednesdays also holiday st.

Patrick's day stooping to have any evening plans definitely want to keep an eye on thou whether this will be continuing all the way in shoe early thursday morning so this could be a potentially dangerous that if we do have severe weather as a lot of this is going to be happening very early hours of thursday and again this will be continuing on into thursday as well is there severe weather outlook for wednesday as you ca see we do have that enhanced an moderate risk are southwestern counties that can be the best chance to see that again not strong to severe winter storm however i think the entire viewing area has a really decent chance to see one of those norms the weather headlines going and when they drawing the severe storms are are possible all threats are going to be on the table next to me including tornadoes large held the past william damaging when timing this meaning to be a true day event turning just after 2 pm wednesday and continuing on into thursday morning what you should do now is to prepare fin us they've wasted your home make sure to share that with family members and whoever else lives with you have the kids ready turn weather app nouns notifications on his was have multiple ways to get warnings and change batteries in that weather radio can don't have an app a weather app and i would download our new swell now i will give you any watches warnings or advisories in the area it's free all you research new swell now over 70 forecasted from the epb fiber optics whether center here is your 70 or kaiser again tuesday morning is going to be very wet but towards the app i think mainly driest specially chattanooga north word as we had in wednesday definitely want to be weather repaired how that umbrella on hand but it does look like were to be drying out just in time for the first we look at all of the hype, and why people are divided over its actual value.

And, in this week's tech byte, we'll look at the benefits of 5g cell network coverage.

Join us for prime news at seven.

"you're watching news 12 at 6.

Your news now."

Positive behavior and academic success go together like reading, writing and arithmetic.

At howard, "the tiger way initiative," balances teacher and student accountability by celebrating victories big and small.

The state of tennessee is taking notice.

See how in tonight's.... what's right with our schools.

Natural sound: howard has reached silver level this year as a model of a demonstration school for positive behavior.

Leandrea: today is an amazing day for our students, our falco t, our staff and our community partners.

We are here celebrating our schoolwide approach to make sure every student has the wrap around services to be the best he or she can be here at the howard school.

Miller: so this year we are awarded 209 schools statewide that receive model school status.

64 schools state wide or at the silver level.

So howard is one of a very small percentage that has reached that level.

They developed the tiger way.

And this is something that the faculty took on.

And this is something they developed and to develop to grow their culture of positivity and proactive behavioral strategies.

Leandrea: some of those wraparound services that we have for our students include a clothing closet.

And we have students that are for whatever reason without any parts of the uniform or any clothing need.

We have so many community partners that have stepped up to make sure there is funding sources available to take care of those.

We have partners from the medical community that will come in and provide physicals and exams for our students.

We have people that make sure we have a food bank distribution every month.

We provide groceries to our families literally whatever we need to make sure our students have everything they need to do and excel academically.

We have those partners ready, they stand ready to help us at all times.

Dwayne: after meeting dr. mitchell and hearing about what was going on in the culture building here at howard high school we wanted to partner with them.

I think the old saying goes, you can't impact me until i know that you care about me is true right here in the school.

And i think the culture that they are building is the a pitta me of that and shows forth.

Gus: our church loves our city.

And the school has been in the city has a great history and it impacts so many not only the african-american kids but the hispanic and all kinds of kids.

But we just want to be a blessing as a church.

Leandrea: a lot of times i think the people think of the school house of being that place where it's about the academics and the standards.

But we know here at howard school it goes way beyond what happens in the classroom.

Yes they can excel academically and we expect that but we're also going to make sure we provide those services to address any needs that they may have that can be a barrier to that success.

If you have an idea for a story, go to our website, wdef dot com.

Look for the icon that says what's right with our schools, and you'll find a link to post your story idea.

The tennessee volunteers have a tough road ahead in indianapolis... angela tells us what oregon state has to say about the vols team, up next in the gatorade sports desk.

Plus the titans now have two major position groups to fill after letting last year's top playmakers go today.

And the cleveland blue raiders have unfinished business in murfreesboro.

How they're extra motivated heading to the state tournament ... that's when we get back.

"now from the news 12 sports desk."

The titans will not be re-signing two of their top three leading receivers from last year.

Both wide receiver corey davis and tight end jonnu smith are moving on from the team that drafted them.

Smith has already found his new home -- signing a four- year, 50 million dollar deal with the new england patriots.

31- point-25 of that is guaranteed.

Davis joins a full free agent roster of top receiver talent, including kevin golladay and juju smith-schuster.

The tennessee volunteers limped up to indianapolis today after an exhausting loss to alabama saturday -- and starting forward john fulkerson still on the mend.

The fifth seeded vols are facing a determined 12 seed oregon state who's high off its first pac 12 win -- and just second tournament appearance -- in 30 years.

Wayne tinkle: "i don't know what will happen, but i do know this, our guys won't be scared.

This team won't be intimidated.

They won't be nervous.

I'll be confident heading into that game with this group because the three teams we just beat on the last three nights weren't slouches.

Pretty damn good."

Tip at 4:30 on tnt.

The best season in cleveland basketball history ended in disappointment last year -- when the pandemic canceled the state tournament.

Now cleveland can write off last year's unfinished frustrations with another trip to the the glass house this week.

Rick nyman has more on the raiders resilience.

Covid canceled the raiders post season last year, and it haunted the raiders to start this year.

Tucker:"i missed almost 40 days of school because of covid.

Our first ten games we never had our starting five, and to see where these kids are at now.

I mean.


Get a little emotional man.

I don't think people realize what these guys have been through."

When cleveland got healthy, they started winning with good defense and good shooting.

Tucker:"our guys get up over 100 shots in practice a day."

Mcgowan:"we just play with our heart.

Just give it everything we've got.

We don't care how big you are or how small you are.

We're just going to do what we do every game.

Just go at you."

Tucker:"we kept over 15 teams under 50 this year."

The raiders program is on a roll.

They made state as well two years ago, but they lost to a team with a kid that's now in the nba.

7-footer james wiseman.

Hurst:"there was a moment where there was a loose ball, and it kicked to the top of the key.

Their guard dribbled it to the sideline, and he just tossed it up out of no where.

I can remember just turning around and watching him just catch it and slam it and being like yeah, there's just nothing we can do about that."

Tucker:"my mom is a big james wiseman fan ever since she saw him play against us.

She has been one of his biggest fans.

She's like oh, watching golden state play.

James wiseman is playing."

Hopefully the raiders will give reggie's mother a lot to cheer about this week in murfreesboro.

Hurst:"but i'm looking to win three games in murfreesboro and get that state championship."

Here's a final look at our forecast...

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