Are you looking to land a job in a top-notch school district in South Mississippi?
Are you looking to land a job in a top-notch school district in South Mississippi?
- are you looking to land a job i- a top-notch school district - here in south mississippi?- news 25's toni miles fills us i- on an opportunity - coming up this weekend you won'- want to pass up.- - are you an educator - looking to get on board with an- a-rated school district?- if so, you may want to load up- your resume and head out to a - career fair set to take place - saturday in pass christian.
- sarah liles, human resources- specialist, pass christian- public schools: "we're excited that we are able to hos- an in- person career fair.
We - are looking for - teachers and educators to work- in our four school sites.
We- have two- - - - elementary schools, a middle- school and a high school that w- are hiring for."
Future teachers still in colleg- are also encouraged to- apply.- beth bellipanni, principal, pas- christian middle school: "even if they don't have their- certificate, if they know they- are going to graduate in- may-it's- pending it's coming, we want to- talk to everybody.
We want to - - - make the best decisions to- further advance our school- district."
Stacy mooney, assistant principal, pass - christian elementary school:- "we're just really excited to share a live experience of our- facilities, and our - faculty and district staff to - really show what we really stan- - - - for in the pass christian schoo- district.
Commitment to - excellence is what we strive- for.
We're- - - - excited to see who else can be- on our pirate ship to continue- our legacy of - excellence."
Toni miles, news 25: "this weekend's career fair isn't jus- to recruit educators.
- they'll also be looking to hire- support staff to work throughou- the district."
Beth bellipanni, principal, pas- christian middle school: "we also will - need cafeteria staff, bus - drivers.
It's not just teaching- we have several positions - within the district we need to- have filled.
We will have all - hands on deck to interview- and talk to candidates as they- come in."
The career fair is set for this- saturday, march 20th from 10 am- to 12 noon at pass christian- middle and elementary - schools located at 270 west - second street.- you can also schedule a virtual- appointment for - this weekend's career fair at - the link you see on your screen- in pass christian, toni miles,- news
Educators looking for a job had the opportunity to meet principals and administrators at Pass Christian’s annual career fair..