Anyone over 16 years old will soon be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in Idaho.
Brad Little announced Wednesday that all Idahoans, regardless of age, occupation and medical conditions, will be eligible to receive the vaccine
Anyone over 16 years old will soon be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in Idaho.
Brad Little announced Wednesday that all Idahoans, regardless of age, occupation and medical conditions, will be eligible to receive the vaccine
Of Idahoans have receivedit is safe.
And because itMonday, March 29th in theleast one medical conditioof thousands of appointmenunsure about the vaccine,talk to your doctor or heaThere are good reasons moshesitate to receive theirthe people of Idaho.
Theyin a dozen meetings sinceeligible for vaccine WhenI truly value their expertthe decisions I've had topandemic, one of my best dme to all the committee mefor the outstanding job yovaccine really is our bestjobs, saving lives and kee
To mask up or to not mask up? That's a question that has a lot of Hoosiers fired up as the mask mandate turns to an advisory on..
As of Monday, March 15, all teachers and school staff statewide in Indiana became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine from any..