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Friday, 24 January 2025

Trade workers sought around region

Credit: WKTV
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Trade workers sought around region
Trade workers sought around region

Throughout the pandemic, trade unions say they are struggling to get people to join their training programs and workforces.

'unprecedented growth'.

But some of those trades.... people say there's another precedent that's not so positive.

Newschannel 2's joleen ferris reports.

They used to be lining up to be carpenters.

Not any more.

8:42 "we've always had a running list" .

None .

None 9:06 "we usually have about 40-50 people on that list at all times.

Right now we have zero on that list.

We've brought everybody in that's ever applied that was interested and right now, we're struggling to get people to even consider coming into the apprentice program" north atlantic states regional council carpenters rep, bill maxim, has a guess as to part of the reason why: enhanced unemployment benefits during the pandemic 8:03 "it does provide additional incentive to not necessarily seek out employment and that's been one of the biggest challenges, to actually get people off the couch and out to work" right now, with projects like cree, in marcy, the downtown utica hospital, the nexus center and local apartment buildings...the demand for union carpenters outweighs the supply 12:04 "so many projects came to fruition in such a short time period that it's unprecedented around here to experience what we're experiencing" enter community advocate, patrick johnson 20:55 "i think when we put options on the table for people that otherwise would be idle, it's wonderful" patrick works with a lot of young people who have the ability and energy, but could maybe use some direction and structure.

So he met recently with bill maxim, of the carpenters union, to see if two needs could be met 25:07 "this is the message for all those people that said, "mr. johnson, can you get me a job"2, rious and scere and hathe energn their life arod, even iyou don'have it all figed out" salary and benefits add up to almost $50 an hour.

You learn and earn on the job.

For details on the 5- year journeyman apprentice program, you can call bill maxim at 315.313.


Jf, nc2.

> a bankruptcy court hearing today between the owners of remington,

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