(WTHI) - There has been an even bigger need for blood over the past year, and on Wednesday, you had the chance to step up and help.
(WTHI) - There has been an even bigger need for blood over the past year, and on Wednesday, you had the chance to step up and help.
Should contact a doctor.
Experts say with one blood donation you can save three lives.
Blood has been an even bigger need in the past year.
"you" had a chance to step up and help those in our community.
Baesler's market in terre haute hosted a blood drive.
Many made appointments to give.
It included a woman who hasn't given blood in years..
She says she's glad to help those who need it.
"i've been wanting to do this.
While i was isolated with covid and didn't feel comfortable going out and doing it.
So, when i saw baesler's was having this blood drive, i decided that's my opportunity..
" if you'd like to give blood but you missed today's drive..
You can go to "versiti blood center" in