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Friday, 31 January 2025

Boulder grocery store shooting renews calls for gun reform

Credit: 41 Action News
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Boulder grocery store shooting renews calls for gun reform
Boulder grocery store shooting renews calls for gun reform
Boulder grocery store shooting renews calls for gun reform

GUN LAWS ARE BACK INTHE NATIONAL SPOTLIGHTBECAUSE OF THESHOOTING IN BOULDER --INCLUDING A PROPOSEDLAW HALFWAY THROUGHCONGRESS -- RELATED TOBACKGROUND CHECKS.ACCORDING TO THE F-B-I...WHICH TOOK A SAMPLINGOF THE BACKGROUNDCHECKS RUN THROUGH ITSSYSTEM IN THE YEAR 20-19--30 PERCENT WERE NOT"INSTANTDETERMINIATIONS".AND THE DELAY ONBACKGROUND CHECKS ISONE ISSUE BEINGEXAMINED RIGHT NOW.41 ACTION NEWS ANCHORGABRIELLA PAGAN IS LIVETO EXPLAIN.DIA, MOST BACKGROUNDCHECKS CAN BECOMPLETED IN A MATTEROF MINUTES.BUT " IF THEBACKGROUND CHECKTAKES LONGER THAN 3DAYS - AS IT STANDS RIGHTNOW - THE LAW ALLOWSTHE DEALER THEDISCRETION TO DECIDEWHETHER TO GO AHEADWITH THE SALE OF THATFIREARM.Parsons"and at that point it's on theFBI to continue doing theinvestigation and if they laterdetermined that person in factshould not have been allowedto buy a gun then it's on theATF to go out and knock onthe door and try and get thatgun back from the person towhom it should not have beensold in the first placeessentially dangeroussituation for law-enforcement."THAT IS WHAT IS KNOWNAS THE CHARLESTONLOOPHOLE - WHICHALLOWED THE SHOOTER INTHE 2015 mass shooting at aCHARLESTON church TO BEABLE TO BUY HIS FIREARM.Chelsea Parsons/VP Gun ViolencePrevention Policy at Center forAmerican Progress"we need to start doingsomething and we can't justnot act because a particularbill that we're trying to moveforward wouldn't haveaddressed the most recenthorrific mass shooting that's inthe headlines."Mike Brown/CEO Frontier Justice"I don't know how you legislatstopping bad people fromdoing bad things."TWO SIDES OF THEONGOING DEBATESURROUNDING HOW AS ANATION WE CAN BEGIN TOADDRESS THE EPIDEMICOF GUN VIOLENCE.Mike Brown/CEO Frontier Justice"So, frontier Justice policy iswe do transfer the firearmafter three days if we have notheard from the FBI So wewill sell probably 10 to 15,000guns a year and out of thosewe may get three that comeback a year that would'vebeen denied."The House RECENTLYpassed a bill TO close theCharleston loophole AND a billto expand background checkson all commercial gun sales.gun control ADVOCATES SAYTHESE LAWS WON'T SOLVEALL FORMS OF GUNVIOLENCE IN OUR AREA --BUT BELIEVE THEY WILLMAKE IT HARDER FORSOMEONE WHO'S NOTSUPPOSED TO HAVE A G- GAIN ACCESS TO ONE.Parsons" think about how many livesthat equates to and how manyfamilies and then how manycommunities"MIKE WITH FRONTIERJUSTICE DISAGREES.SAYING IT'S A HEART ISSUE- NOT A TOOL ISSUE.Brown"I think if we're going to doanything we need to focus onmental health issues... talkabout family issues and what'scausing someone to decide towake up someday and decideto enact violence upon theirfellow man."AND THAT"S WHETHESE OPPOSING SIDESCOME TOGETHERCOMBATTING GUNVIOLENCE IN PART BYTREATING IT AS A PUBLICHEALTH ISSUE ROOTED INPUBLIC HEALTHMETHODOLOGY.IN LEE'S SUMMIT,GABRIELL

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