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Friday, 24 January 2025

The Lafayette Salvation Army is looking to hire a 'Youth Program Aide'

Credit: WLFI
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The Lafayette Salvation Army is looking to hire a 'Youth Program Aide'
The Lafayette Salvation Army is looking to hire a 'Youth Program Aide'
The Lafayette Salvation Army is looking to hire a 'Youth Program Aide'

Pandemic revealed the need for a job like this.

News 18's micah upshaw joins us in the studio to tell us why?


Isolation during this pandemic hasn't been easy for anyone, especially the youth.

And the long-term effects of this are unclear.

That's why they're looking for someone to get in this position and help provide support to the youth.

The youth program aide will work alongside the salvation army's program director.

The job includes helping create different programs and activities for kids.

The program aide will also work closely with the kids as a one-on- one mentor.

The salvation army is looking for someone who can create a safe, nurturing and encouraging space for the youth.

They'd like someone who has a background in the 40 developmental assets.


Rachel johnson says this position has the power to positively impact the community for generations to come.

They are our future leaders.

They are the future of our city and if we don't invest in them, who will?

If we don't step in the gap for some of these kids, who will?

So we want somebody to come along side us to come into the salvation army systems and help us reach the youth of our city.

The program aide will also work with kids needing social- services and case workers.

It's part-time for now but will become a full- time position down the line.

This position is possible thanks to the overwhelming amount of people who donated to the salvation army last year.

The phone number to apply is on our website

Reporting in studio, micah upshaw.

News 18.

Todaya slight chance

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