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Friday, 31 January 2025

Class celebrates cancer milestone

Credit: KIMT
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Class celebrates cancer milestone
Class celebrates cancer milestone
Winning a 2.5 year battle

Warmer a rochester kindergartene r passed an important milestone today ... marking his last day of chemo.

Kimt news three's mary peters is live to tell us about the special event his school ?

"* saint francis of assisi ?

"* put on today.


George ?

"* this whole parking lot was full of students and faculty cheering on nathan herber this morning on his last day of chemo.

He is completing a two and a half year fight with cancer.


"(nat sound ?

"* kids chantin "nathan"?

"( i feel proud, i'l tell you that.

Nathan herber was diagnosed with stage four t?

"*cell non?

"*hodgkin's lymp in september of 20?


His diagnosis came just two weeks after his fourth birthday.

Nathan had just started preschool and missed time in the classroom to undergo treatment.

Because of complications he ended up spending over six months in the hospital.

With the bright?

"*eyed boy's cancer treatment now wrapping up, his mom took a moment to reflect on all the support the family got during their ordeal..


The fact that this many people just are embracing our family made the journey that much easier.

I always said the only thing harder than going through this would be going through it alone and that's something we never had to worry about.

We had so many people in our corner.

"we're going to his 10 year old brother let me know they are going to the bar to celebrate ?

"* nathan gets a kiddie cocktail to wash down his last dose of chemo!

Nathan has officially completed nine hundred days of chemo.

Live in rochester, mary peters, thanks, mary.

Congrats to nathan!

Nathan will be returning to school in the fall, with his two brothers, grant and justin.

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