The most recent COVID vaccination demographic stats have the chief medical officer of United Healthcare’s midsouth region, which includes Mississippi, concerned.
The most recent COVID vaccination demographic stats have the chief medical officer of United Healthcare’s midsouth region, which includes Mississippi, concerned.
Springs.- - the most recent covid - vaccination demographic stats - have the- chief medical officer of united- healthcare's midsouth region, - which includes mississippi, - concerned.- according to numbers released - just yesterday by the - cdc, only 8-percent of covid- vaccinations have been- administered to the black - population.
- nine percent of vaccines have - been received by hispanics, and- 66-percent of covid vaccination- - - - have been administered among th- white population.
- dr. kevin stephens, the chief - medical officer of united - health care's midsouth region i- speaking out, hoping to dispel- covid-19 vaccine myths that hav- kept people from all walks of - life- from getting the vaccine.
- - dr. keven stephens, chief - medical officer,- midsouth region,- unitedhealthcare: "we're using what's called messenger - rna, which is a whole other - technology.
It's not a virus, s- you can't get the virus - - - - through the vaccine.
A lot of - people were hesitant because- they think you can get the- - virus when you get the vaccine,- and that just simply is not - true."
Dr. stephens says to get daily- updates, and up-to-date - information about the covid - - - vaccine and vaccination sites,- you can go to and type- in your zip code