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Saturday, 1 February 2025

CDC Vaccination Stats

Credit: WXXV
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CDC Vaccination Stats
CDC Vaccination Stats

The most recent COVID vaccination demographic stats have the chief medical officer of United Healthcare’s midsouth region, which includes Mississippi, concerned.

Springs.- - the most recent covid - vaccination demographic stats - have the- chief medical officer of united- healthcare's midsouth region, - which includes mississippi, - concerned.- according to numbers released - just yesterday by the - cdc, only 8-percent of covid- vaccinations have been- administered to the black - population.

- nine percent of vaccines have - been received by hispanics, and- 66-percent of covid vaccination- - - - have been administered among th- white population.

- dr. kevin stephens, the chief - medical officer of united - health care's midsouth region i- speaking out, hoping to dispel- covid-19 vaccine myths that hav- kept people from all walks of - life- from getting the vaccine.

- - dr. keven stephens, chief - medical officer,- midsouth region,- unitedhealthcare: "we're using what's called messenger - rna, which is a whole other - technology.

It's not a virus, s- you can't get the virus - - - - through the vaccine.

A lot of - people were hesitant because- they think you can get the- - virus when you get the vaccine,- and that just simply is not - true."

Dr. stephens says to get daily- updates, and up-to-date - information about the covid - - - vaccine and vaccination sites,- you can go to and type- in your zip code

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