One Tank Trips: Museum of Shadows
IT'S FRIDAY- AND THATMEANS IT'S TIME FORANOTHER ONE TANK TRIP.LAST WEEK SHE TOOK USTO OMAHA"S HENRYDOORLY ZOO & AQUARIUM.THIS TIME, SHE"SGIVING US A SPOOKIEROPTION IN OMAHA.On this paranormal edition ofOne Tank Trips we show youone of the most hauntedmuseums, located in omahanebraska..
Known as themuseum of shadows..
Located188 miles from Kansas Citythis trip took us 2 hours and50 minutes.Nate & Kaleigh Raterman - Ownersof Museum of Shadows"We've actually been votone of the most hauntedmuseums in the world Whave the largest collection ofverified haunted artifacts aswell, we have over 3,000currently and we add to itevery week"Husband and Wife, Nate andKaleigh Ratermen opened themuseum in 2006.Each item that is donated isinvestigated to make surethere is an attachment.Kaleigh is a medium and nateis a demonologist who want toshare their passion for allthings paranormal with tworld."Every day is unique Everyday is something differenthappens We have dolls thatgo flying off of the shelves Whave items that move Peoplethat get touched in here.
No!Full apparitions will be seeguess will be walking by Andsay they just saw someboover here I thought it wasanother museum guest Whenactually there was nobody inthat area""so we have Ada she is goito be probably the most wellknown It's all that we havethat was actually donated froma small town in NebraskaMoves a lot on her own wehave several videos out thereDifferent social media Or thatyou've seen on some of thedifferent paranormal shows Ofher moving trying to crawl outof her cage One point But sheinteracts with a lot of peoplethat come in"During your visit you'll alsosee human skulls, ouijaboards, trinkets and evencoffins..."There is a spirit that isattached to it it actually showsitself From time to time andeven the coffins have rattleWe've heard rattling and seenit kind of moving a little Bwe've noticed on differentdays it appears kind of righthere in front and will literallylike walk a certain directionand then just disappear"Entry into the museum is $15per person and you can visitWednesday through Sundayfrom 2pm-10pm.Or you can take one of theirParanormal ghost hunt toursfor $40 per person."We do after hours ghosthunts From 10 o'clock untilmidnight where we Actually golights out And go investigateas a group And we use all ofthe professional equipmentLike you see on the TVshows"So those of you who dare,head over to the Museum ofShadows, read about thehistory of the artifacts andmaybe experience someparanormal activity foryourself.For One Tank Trips, DJ 41Action News.