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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Florence activists say bill infringes on rights

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Florence activists say bill infringes on rights
Florence activists say bill infringes on rights
Florence activists say bill infringes on rights

In the wake of floyd's death - protests were held across the country - including many here in north alabama.

But now - a shoals group says a local bill limits what they can do as protestors and activists.

Waay31's breken terry is live after hearing from protestors - and the lawmaker who sponsored the legislation that would give municiaplities the ability to limit protest zones and charge more fees for protest applications.

Bennett- it tries to specify how many people can come.

It makes us pay fees for police where we can go.

There are so many ways they are restricting our first amendment rights in so many ways i think it's unconsitutional.

Florence activist camille bennett and her non-profit have been protesting the removal of this confederate monument outside of the lauderdale county courthouse.

In the last year they've stepped up their efforts to weekly protests she feels senate bill 152 was filed to try and stop their efforts.

Bennett- i definetly feel like it's retaliation for our protests that have been going on now for 10 to 11 months.

Senator tim melson who filed the bill said this bill merely gives better guidelines to cities on protests and rallies, and protects first amendment rights of citizens.

He said, "the bill also provides guidelines for local municipalities as to where and how they may choose to issue permits and whether or not they choose to close off public streets from traffic.

It allows businesses to be able to operate and serve their customers without confusion related to where and how rallies are permitted and what is considered public property."

But bennett said she thinks this bill would deter people from letting their voices be heard, by allowing more restricitons.

Bennett- it's subjective to the officers so they can say were violating this law or that law so protestors are forced to make these tough decisions.

Waay 31's breken terry reporting.

Traditionally in montgomery it is rare for lawmakers to vote against a local bill.

Senate bill 152 has made it out of committee and through the senate where it now goes to the house.

Bennett said if this bill becomes law they are prepared to take legal action

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