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Friday, 24 January 2025

How you can shed your pandemic pounds

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How you can shed your pandemic pounds
How you can shed your pandemic pounds

Did you gain weight during the pandemic?

A study reveals a lot of folks did.

How you can shed those unwanted pounds.


A new study confirms what we all knew.... some people have packed on the pandemic pounds.

Kimt news 3's zach gilleland is in the gym nearly anytime the place is open, so we thought he would be the perfect reporter to look into the best ways to shed a few pounds.

Xxx "when the majority of states went into a lockdown this past year, many people including myself spent a lot of time on their couches and away from the gym.

A big factor in weight gain during this pandemic has been inactivity."

A study published by the jama open network looked at 269 participants from february to june of 2020.

On average ?

"*?*- participants gained 0.6 pounds per 10 days or nearly two pounds per month.

Josh lewis is in charge of personal training at the rochester athletic club.

He says that when people are stuck home ?

"*- they tend to make bad food choices.

"the nutrition habits have gone down and even bigger would be just the lack of movement, not coming in for workouts, just not able to be exercising."

Sitting at home, isolated from fitness equipment, lewis says, makes avoding sedentary behavior difficult.

"after you've been sitting all day you just kind of fall into that lackidasical feeling a little bit and it's tough to kind of get going at the end of the day."

Now that gyms are open and restrictions have loosened ?

"* ?

"* lewis recommends a gradual return to exercise.

Slowly getting back into things and trying to make a plan is a big one.

If it's a monday after work or however it is, just trying to hold yourself accountable that hey i'm going to at least come into the gym or i'm going to go for that walk and then go from there."

The key ingredient to a healthier lifestyle: food choices.

Lewis urges us to cut back on the pizza.

"it's huge, i mean it's the other half of the exercise piece of it.

I mean you can exercise as much as you want but if you're not eating well, you're still going to gain weight or you're not you no longer need a reservation to work out at the rochester athletic club.

As the temperatures warm ?

"* lewis said it opens up other options to

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