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Saturday, 1 February 2025

April is Donate Life Month | Morning Blend

Duration: 04:27s 0 shares 2 views

April is Donate Life Month | Morning Blend
April is Donate Life Month | Morning Blend
April is Donate Life Month

Month of April that it isand joining us this mornindoctor that we've had theon our show before.

It's DGeneral Hospital.

I want tyour titles, right.

The exand surgical director of lI remember when you came iback when we were in studithe great things you're doable to save lives.

Uh, cothe sixth largest transplacountry and the third largprogram in the country.

WeI mean, how do you creditis committed to our communAnd since we're committedit's our responsibility towe've had such an incredibtransplant volume over theAnd Tampa General Hospitalbe the safest and most innrecently completed our firheart and liver transplantthe same time, it's a patiheart disease and severe lof our community that woulin the past to go to anothWe just performed that forI mean, what you know, andup here and who live herewhat a blessing it is to hthink for these type of sipeople have left our westto go to other parts of thmedical centers that haveof innovation and excellenthat here in the TransplanGeneral Hospital and we arorder to perform a combineto you and your team and aof a pandemic, still keepiat the beginning of the seLife Month.

Explain what there and the message thatto to patients, you know,Month.

This is where we hiof donors and families inAnd during this month, thethat pay honor and respectand to promote people signIn the state of Florida, apeople have signed up to bthe country there are 100awaiting organ transplantapeople die when they don'tSo we are encouraging membthank you so much for yourAgain, I just can't thankand the team have been ablwebsite, the phone numberhas any questions, we'll m

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