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Friday, 31 January 2025

Inside Politics: A Conversation With Mayor Cooper part 2

Credit: NewsChannel 5 Nashville
Duration: 06:36s 0 shares 1 views

Inside Politics: A Conversation With Mayor Cooper part 2
Inside Politics: A Conversation With Mayor Cooper part 2

2020 was clearly the most difficult year in Nashville history.

We also saw a large property tax hike and city budget difficulties, along with racial unrest and calls for social change and police reform.

How is Nashville doing now?

Our guest this week Nashville Mayor John Cooper.

The budget season this yeareappraisals required everto?

Due to the tax rate weThey're busy compiling thifinal numbers, but clearlyall feel is that values hain residential appraisals.ready for that.

The last ywould have predicted it habecause we're a desirablePeople want to move here.result in a reduction in oThe reappraisal can't causincrease for people on itsthink would be substantialother cities.

It's a testaand vibrant we are as a coWhere did you know this isone, and you haul it desticreates stresses on the citax increase from last yeaThis is the second time foto repeal the 34%.

I don'twant to put restrictions oyou concern?

Do you believWell, I mean, I'm going towhich is that we are Califset things like property tTennessee, I think, beingwhy people are leaving Cala moment on this.

Why wasproperty tax referendum?

Wrainy day fund.

We did notwere not allowed to borrowfinancial management by ththe covid crisis hit.

So wgoverning group that fixedreappraisal had they had tdown.

They took pride thatlowest rate ever in the hihappening again that you cbecause it wound up havingthe problems of the city hfinancial planning.

The cuwas also matched by the ranot sustainable.

And the cput the city in an untenabAnd you are putting that bin jeopardy by having to lrate without reserves withthat the city deserves tobut across the country tohas continued to be there.of unrest about social jusa lot of peaceful demonstrgot out of hand that endedthat?

Are you better prepacalls to defund police?

Anwe need to look at?

Well,in that whole area of Nashyesterday Ron Johnson, a cin Metro, to begin to helppartners in community safehealth.

That's drug addictlast year.

So it's doing acommunity safety, not targwhere the rhetoric is comicommunity wants to be servof riches and federal govewell, not have a status qube up.

Funding will be up.of the determination by thyear's property tax increaquestion funding will be ucome from the Biden adminione time money.

But that dwe don't have a lot of onelook at this kind of goldeMm P s is really going togoing?

Well, you've got aspending ever by a city inof Tennessee.

Our retentioAnd the Biden money, I thiNational, where John Coope

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