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Friday, 31 January 2025

Key vote on Florida election reform bill to be postponed

Credit: FOX 4 Now Florida
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Key vote on Florida election reform bill to be postponed
Key vote on Florida election reform bill to be postponed

Days after corporate backlash for Georgia’s new voting laws, Florida lawmakers are postponing a key vote on one of its election reform bills.

DISNEY VACATION TO BEARRESTED---WHILE HE WAS BEINGTAKEN INTO CUSTODY.WILL CHANGING FLORIDA’S VOTINGLAWS PROMPT CORPORATE BLOWBACKLIKE, IN GEORGIA?THE QUESTION’S ON A LOT OF MINDSTHIS WEEK AS LAWMAKERS HERE AREPOISED TO ADVANCE CONTROVERSIALELECTIONS BILLS IN THE COMINGWEEKS.CAPITOL REPORTER FORRESTSAUNDERS HAS THE STORY INTALLAHASSEE.FORRESTShortly after Georgia signedvoting reforms into law, the MLBpulled the All-Star game.Major corporations startedscolding the state.Critics of similar changes inFlorida warning this state couldbe next.PKGDespite 2020 lacking widespreadfrau━ Florida’s GOP majority isset on approving electionreforms this yearNAT BALLOTThe reason, a familiar refrain"It’s about making this as easyas possible to vote and hard aspossible to cheat"(GRUTERS PKG)"The thing that I’m after iseasy to vote, hard to cheat."(BAXLEY 2:51)In genera━ bills in either theHouse or Senate wouldRestrict or eliminate ballotdrop boxes.Limit who can pick up ordrop-off ballotsIncrease how often voters needto request mail ballotsAnd cut private funding forlocal election offices(Patricia Brigham, Fla.

Leagueof Women Voters President)"The legislators are trying tomake it harder for you and yourfamily members to vote"(PAT 10:18)Patricia Brigham, FloridaPresident League of WomenVoters, warn━ though policiesaren’t exactly what Georgiaapproved, repercussions could besimilar.NAT MARLINS/SPORTSBlowback from sports leagues ormajor employers like Disney orUniversal possible"We would hope that thosecorporations would step upagainst these bills because manyof their employees or serviceworkers who work all sorts ofweird hours//they need easyaccess to voting."(PAT 4:47//5:08)Leadership says Republicans arelistening to concerns about thebills.Senators this week even pullingtheir version from a finalcommittee vote to makeadjustments days after theGeorgia backlash.NAT?A Senate spokesperson sayingsponsor Sen.

Dennis Baxley is"still working on the bill andgathering input and feedbackfrom his colleagues,stakeholders, and constituents."FORRESTPostponement can be a deathknell for a bill late insessio━ but we’re just at themidway point plenty of time

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