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Saturday, 28 September 2024

Chico City Council continues to tackle homeless crisis

Credit: KHSL
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Chico City Council continues to tackle homeless crisis
Chico City Council continues to tackle homeless crisis
The city council is calling for more help from Butte County Behavioral Health.

New at 5 -- chico city council continues to tackle the homeless crisis..

Calling for more help from county behavioral health services.

Happening now -- a crowd is gathering to make sure city leaders consider their priorities for the homeless.

Thats where we find action news now reporter dani masten.

Dani, whats going on out there?


Take a look...many people gathered here at city hall today..

In just one hour..chico leaders will ask the county to make sure the city of chico is receiving its fair share of mental health services specifically for the homeless.

Butte county behavioral health has a total of over 73 million dollars in its budget that is allocated for behavioral health services.

Chico mayor andrew coolidge wants the community to know about the counties budget and where the money is spent.

Just transparency in all this stuff that relates to homeless issues and mental health and things along those lines is really what i am searching for.

Mayor coolidge asked the county how often it interacts with homeless out on the streets..

Butte county behavioral health says members of the counties moblie- crisis team co- respond with local law enforcement daily to interact with individuals who are experiencing homelessness and emotional distress.

Chico city council will review more questions from mayor coolidge about how the county spends money from its budget to access a virtual link to this meeting - this meeting - head to action news now dot com slash links.###

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