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U.K. Edition
Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Good afternoon, i'm emily cassulo, in for kay blevins.

Thanks for joining us.

President biden is calling on all states to make all adults eligible for covid-19 vaccines by april 19th if they haven't already done so.

But even as daily vaccination rates have soared in recent months, new daily cases have started to tick up.

Federal health officials say the nation is still at risk of another surge.

Natalie brand reports from the white house.

:16-:23 :48-:54 :55-1:06 in less than two weeks president biden wants all states to make all adults eligible for the covid 19 vaccine... and while getting a vaccine appointment is still a concern in some places, federal health officials stress that is changing.

There was a gap between supply and demand and literally every day that goes by, that gap is closing the updated vaccine timeline comes as many states have lifted covid restrictions and daily new cases have started to climb.

This fight is not over.

In michigan, which leads the nation in new cases -- governor gretchen whitmer got her shot tuesday.

The c-d-c found the b.1.1.7 variant that originated in the u.k. accounted for nearly 40 percent of michigan's cases last month.

The b117 variant is now the most common lineage circulating in the united states.

The biden administration says it does =not= plan to mandate a vaccine passport system, but federal health officials say they expect to see businesses and universities to take action on their own.

They're going to say we're not going to have you come in unless you're vaccinated.

At least eight colleges have already said they'll require vaccinations for students returning to campus this fall.

In k through 12 schools, the cdc estimates nearly 80 percent of all teachers and school staff have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Natalie brand, cbs news, the white house.

The cdc says it's hearing reports of clusters of cases across the country associated with daycare centers and youth sprots.

Hospitals are seeing an increase in younger adults, those in their 30s and 40s, admitted with severe disease.

Georgia's state health department and attorney general warns residents about scammers trying to sell covid vaccines as the people's urgency to get the shot increases.

Officials say to never put your name on a list to get the vaccine.

You cannot buy a vaccine through mail, phone, online, or in stores.

Legitimate vaccine sites or insurance companies will never ask for your personal information.

You can literally walk in today to some of the pharmacies and not even have an appointment and get the vaccine.

So i think the message that needs to be communicated is that it is free.

You do not pay in any way.

You do not have to share personal information."

The better business bureau and georgia officials agree that scammers are less likely to attack your region if supply matches demand.

Time to check in with chip now for our first look at the weather.

He good another day with a lot of sunshine minimal clouds here an there.

Yes, we'll see more these clouds popping up, but overall we stay dry and such.

I rolling back in now overnight tonight.

These clouds will be increasing tomorrow morning during the morning rush hour.

We will be seeing separate that's a bad good news is reigns over with.

Probably by 10 o'clock or so tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon sunshine.

It'll be a little bit cooler for us tomorrow afternoon additional rain and cooler still on saturday around the area right now those very very pleasant 74 here downtown 75 in fort oglethorpe your quality objects in the moderate range of 54 pollen counts up three or 400 outstanding 3771 and is mainly grass, tree pollen summary will help put a debt that will clear it out totally with little help will have more on that part of the forecast right here within's continuing coverage have an incident that happened on dayton boulevard.

This morning a central girl was take to the hospital after being hit hayek are around 145 in 1900 block of dayton boulevard and lance reports he was in the roa when she got hit.

She did manage to run over to the curb young girl was alert when she was taken to the hospital will continue to update you as we learn more.

Three men are charged with narcotics crimes after officers made a raid on a home.

I jill roberts and road lookout mountain judicial circuit drug task force, lafayette and dalton found 4 pounds of methamphetamine , the ecstasy, and marijuana.

Thomas garrison of dalton, donald brown of lafayette and michael lynch of chatsworth are charged with possession with intent to distribute.

Officers also recovered a stolen truck out of meigs county.

The hamilton county commission paused this morning to recognize a young boy from ooltewah and his fight against alexander's disease.

6 year old greyson ledbetter was diagnosed with the disease just as few years ago.

It's a rare type of leukodystrophy that destroys the white matter that protects the nerve fibers in the brain, resulting death by age 10 for most patients.

It's a disease so rare that only about 500 cases have been reported since 1949.

Two of them are in hamilton county.

The ledbetters were recognized today for their efforts to find a cure.

We will have much more on the proclaimation from hamilton county mayor jim coppinger coming up tonight at 5:30.

The chattanooga police department introduced the addition of a new canine to its special operations bureau today near the chickamauga dam.

The new k-9 named gunther is a scientifically selected, superior detection dog who provides real time intelligence to his handler in order to help provide enhanced safety at public events and other areas where large groups of people congregate.

Gunther's handler, sergeant sean o'brien, says that cpd is happy to have the k9 on his team.

Trt: 20 seconds outcue: trained by a vaporwake in aniston alabama "this is our newest addition to aniston alabama "this is our newest addition to the department, k9 gunther or gunny is what we call him on the street.

He's a vapor wake k9 and he's a german short haired pointer.

Came out of a kennel in hungary in eastern europe and was trained by a vapor wake k9 in aniston alabama."

Gunther has been working with cpd since march.

The pandemic changed many things, including the clothes we wear.

Kate smith looks at how one dress capitalized on the trend of dressing down.

:17 - :21 1:04-1:06 1:19-1:23 pkg) "first of all you have to understand that i am a dress girl, i do not like pants."

So dresses were on nell diamond's mind when she started her fashion and lifestyle brand, hill house home.

"i really wanted to create a product that was a dress that could carry me from making my toddler breakfast in the morning, to an important meeting, to drinks with my husband after work."

In 20-19 the nap dress was born with some success... but then the pandemic hit.

Lockdowns and working-from- home turned the house dress-meets- nightgown into an internet sensation.

"this is my nap dress collection.

As you can see behind me, i have six."

"i'm in my power blue nelsi, which is absolutely gorgeous" "i don't love them, i am totally obsessed with them."

Vogue magazine even named it was one of the 17 items that defined 20-20.

"the nap dress has definitely exceeded all of our expectations and all of our projections" "what makes a nap dress unique?"

"the real beauty and importance of distinction of an nap dress, i should say, is that it's both beautiful and practical at the same time."

The success of the nap dress comes as demand for comfortable clothing surges.

Last year sales of sweatpants, sleepwear and slippers jumped with millions of people stuck at home... "comfort was something that was on the forefront."

Stylist tre ingram says many of his clients' tastes changed during the pandemic.

"hey i want comfortable shoes, i want comfortable sweats, i want comfortable tops, it didn't matter what it was they just wanted something comfortable."

Ingram believes people are ready to dress up again as life inches back to normal.

But diamond thinks the nap dress has staying power.

"people now get to show off their nap dresses in real life.

That's why she has even more collections planned this spring.

Kate smith, cbs news, new york.

Still to come here on wdef news 12 at noon, chip says expect rain the next few days in the storm team 12 seven day forecast.

And later, starbucks goes green for earth month.

Details are coming up in consumer news.

But first, let's look at today's cleveland daily banner.

The paper reports... bradley county is seeking a private company for air-quality mornitoring.

For more on this story and more, check out today's edition.

Now from the epb weather center, forecast time dry and continued war tomorrow afternoon right here a the same time.

When we get together.

The rain will a bit over will take you which revolt we could get between later on tonight and tomorrow afternoon irritable a bit warmer here downtown by 40 as opposed to this time yesterday afternoon.

Right now we are at 74 humidity at 52% little bit of a breeze out of the self helping warm us up 30.05 on the around the region.

It's comfortable anywhere you go and the temperature is very consistent.

Everyone between 71 and 70 and 750 all the travel that jutted up several hours this morning warmer than what our current breeding was dallas.

Only in the lower 60s social chillier air back to the west and northwest high pressure which is given us just a glorious stretch for the past several days now.

Continuing to crumble, moving off into the atlantic allowing for this next approach in frontal boundary to roll back in and this is what's going to start up some rainfall for us timing on this now shaping up to look like this later on today eyes 80 to 82.

In the long afte midnight.

This is were going to be looking at pack to the west.

When it does, we can as it gets closer to our viewing area and it will lose a lot of its punch by the time it rolls into the tennessee valley.

The timing on this is going to be during the morning rush-hour tomorrow, but it'll be over with fairly quickly, probably nine 10 o'clock maybe at the latest.

Then tomorrow afternoon a lot o sunshine.

I was a little cooler into the upper 70s will see a few clouds developing here.

There especially was sitting southward early morning on friday, depending upon which model do you look at to interpret the room.

All accumulations.

This is probably more accurate were looking at a half an inch thereabouts.

Some folks will pick up a little bit some obviously will be getting little bit less overall going t get some rain which really help cleanse a lot of the pollen.

Th atmosphere saturday looks like we have the potential for some more moderate maybe occasionally heavy rain and a couple storms thrown into the mix as well.

Not out of the question that's out here late saturday and sunday and monday.

Nice will see some rainfall rolling back in the middle.

In the latter part of the week next week but tomorrow morning and then again on saturday.

Wettest days out of the next seven maybe 10 days will talk more about that 81 or so today.

Early morning tomorrow lower 60s 76 tomorrow afternoon.

Temperatures really can't argue with scott to be fairly nice this time of your and again rainfall morning rush- hour tomorrow a few showers here and there friday heavy rains on saturday.

Emily back to youthe "borrow a cup" program in five seattle stores.

For a one dollar deposit- coffee lovers can order their favorite drinks in a reusable cup, and then return them to a contactless kiosk.

Each borrowed cup replaces 30 disposable cups.

Starbucks hopes to reduce company waste by 50-percent by 2030.

In today's steals and deals..a heating pad to ease your aches and pains...why you might want tone of my new favorite things., this is calming heat by sharper image.

And it does so much more than a regular heating pad, and at first, i thought "yeah, yeah, yeah," and then i tried it and i went "oh yeah, yeah, yeah."

So here's the deal.

Number one, it's a heating pad, right?

If you have aches and pains, you overdid it, your back, your shoulders, your knees, right?

There's nothing better than a heating pad, but most heating pads just kinda sit there.

This one drapes over, and it has a weight.

It's filled with these weighted clay beads so the heat really absorbs, and it just-- you feel the heat so much more.

It makes such a difference.

And i love that.

But it also has-- wait for it, 'cause here's the cool part... massage.

Now i have three different settings for heat, three different settings for massage, and by the way, automatic timer turnoffs for the massage and the heat so you're good with safety.

Because of the fact that it's a great size, when you put it over your shoulder, it covers a lot of your shoulder.

If you put it on your back, it covers a lot of your back.

When i put it on my lap, down my legs when i'm watching tv, it covers a lot of space.

So this is one of those things that can just be calming and soothing at the end of a long day.

Or just because it's that zen moment, when it's cold outside and you're toasty, warm, and massaged inside.

It's calming heat by sharper image, i love the concept, and by the way, 20% off on

[calming music] speaker 1: if you're anything like me, you've probably noticed your kids being ungrateful from time to time.

I mean you offer them something nice and then they come at you and try to upsell you on things.

Well today on mom to mom, we have the perfect thing to help out with that.

Speaker 1: the gratitude scavenger hunt is a perfect way to get your kids active and moving around the home, all while searching for those things that they are grateful for.

I found this on natural beach living.

Basically the idea is you print off this really cool chart and it gives you all kinds of things for your kids to do.

Now you can do it each day that their home or you can do the whole list in one day and maybe just have a conversation about some of the things that they picked up.

Some of the things that you will find on this list for your kids to do; find something outside that you enjoy looking at.

Find something that is your favorite color.

Another one is discover something new, so they can walk all around the house and find something new that they haven't necessarily noticed before.

Another one is find something you are grateful for.

Speaker 1: there's just a lot of really awesome things on this list.

Things that your kids can appreciate a lot more around the home.

If you're finding yourself a little aggravated and upset with the kiddos, this is the perfect exercise for you to do around the house.

Get them active, get them moving and get that conversation started about how to be more thankful for the things that they have.

And as always, moms, we'd love to hear your ideas on how you teach your kids to be grateful.

You can always share them with us on our facebook page and we'll see you on the next mom to mom.

We want to hear your creative ideas for our mom to mom during germany's coronavirus lockdown, a model train chugs along a track lined with thousands of water-filled glasses, tapping out a medley of classical music hits as it passes.

With the museum forced to close, founder and model train enthusiast frederik braun and his team had time on their hands, and spent weeks setting up the musical project.

The effort was worth it, as the museum earned a guinness world record for the longest melody played by a model train.

Thanks for spending a little bit of your afternoon with these mid and upper 70s tomorrow all rain through by this time tomorrow.

All of at least until a few showers pop u writing 71 the coolest day on saturday and it looks like it could be the wettest and perhaps storm you will have moral that coming up tonight, beginning at five saturday will we do stretch gave you a new one yesterday.

We have been

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