Stage Door Movie (1996) Trailer HD - aka Hu Du Men - Plot Synopsis: Cross the Hu-du-men - the demarcation between the back and front stage in Cantonese opera, and you leave yourself behind to absorb totally in your character.
Lang Kim-sum is a charismatic Cantonese opera star who understands perfectly it's a point of no return once she crosses the Hu-du-men on stage, and in life as well.
Respected by colleagues and friends and about to retire, Lang has yet to face new, unexpected Hu-du-men's in domestic and professional life.
Husband Chan suddenly wants to immigrate.
Daughter Mimi has a lesbian relationship.
At work, her progressive opera director causes havoc in reforming a traditional art.
Lang's protege Ip Yuk-sheung chooses between career and love, and a secret of Lang's past also surfaces.
Lang, the quintessential master of vicissitudes on stage and in life, braves new crises and dilemma with gentle and light-hearted flair.
Director: Kei Shu Writers: Raymond To, Raymond To Stars: Josephine Siao, Anita Yuen, Daniel Hiu Tung Chan