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Saturday, 25 January 2025

FDA and CDC field media questions regarding Johnson and Johnson vaccine pause

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FDA and CDC field media questions regarding Johnson and Johnson vaccine pause
FDA and CDC field media questions regarding Johnson and Johnson vaccine pause

Leaders with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention teamed up with those heading up the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today to field reporters from across the nation after issuing a joint recommendation for a pause in the use of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine out of an abundance of caution this morning.

- leaders with the centers for- disease control and prevention,- or cdc, teamed up with those- heading up the u.s. food and- drug administration today to- field reporters from- across the nation after issuing- a joint recommendation- for a pause in the use of the - johnson & johnson vaccine - out of an abundance of- caution...this morning.

- news 25's toni miles was among- the journalists on today's audi- conference call.- - six in 6.8 million... - the number of reported cases of- people in the u-s who - developed dangerous blood clots- after receiving - the johnson & johnson covid-19- vaccine, prompting the- cdc and fda to take swift actio- tuesday out of an abundance of- caution.- janet woodcock, m.d., acting fd- commissioner: "this morning the fda and - cdc announced that out of an- abundance of caution, we're - recommending a- pause of the johnson & johnson- covid-19 vaccine due to reports- of six cases of a rare- and severe type of blood clot - following vaccine - - - - administration.

We're - recommending this pause while w- work together to fully- understand these- - - - events."

Peter marks, m.d., ph.d., - director, fda center for- biologics, evaluation & - research: "of the clots seen here in the united states, one- case was fatal, and - one person is in critical - condition."

While those on tuesday's call - say it's too early to speculate- how many more cases like this - will be revealed, they do expec- more of these rare cases to be- revealed.

- in the meantime, some - suggestions for those who have- already received the j&j- vaccine.- anne schuchat, m.d., principal- director, cdc: "for people who got the vaccine more- than a month ago, the risk even- is very low.

For people who hav- gotten the vaccine- within the past couple of weeks- they should be aware to look fo- the following - - - - symptoms: severe headaches, - abdominal pain, leg pain or - shortness of- breath, you need to contact you- health care provider and seek - medical - treatment."

Toni miles, news 25: "meanwhile the nation's other two major- covid - vaccines, moderna and pfizer, - are still good to go, and have- not been affected."

As for enforcement of the - johnson & johnson vaccine - being withheld until further- - notice - nothing's binding....- peter marks, m.d., ph.d., - director, fda center for- biologics, evaluation & - research: "this is a recommendation.

It is not a - mandate.

It's out of an - abundance of- caution."


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