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Friday, 24 January 2025

Woman killed when driving at high speed over exit ramp and crashes into an auto repair shop in Missouri

Duration: 00:14s 2 shares 3 views

Woman killed when driving at high speed over exit ramp and crashes into an auto repair shop in Missouri
Woman killed when driving at high speed over exit ramp and crashes into an auto repair shop in Missouri

A car exits at full speed when it crashes into an auto repair shop in St.

Louis County, Missouri, hitting a traffic light control box on Wednesday (April 14).

A car exits at full speed when it crashes into an auto repair shop in St.

Louis County, Missouri, hitting a traffic light control box on Wednesday (April 14).

The driver comes barreling down the exit ramp, jumps the center median, clears the other lane, hits a traffic light control box as well as a truck parked in the lot, and ends up going through the front of the auto repair shop.

The filmer on Reddit, 'GSDSW20,' commented on his post: "This happened on my way home from getting dinner tonight.

It's a blind exit ramp that slopes down quite a bit as soon as you exit, and it's pretty short.

People are always going 80 [or more] MPH on this stretch of the highway, so I'm guessing she thought he had time to slam his brakes on but just understeered straight through the intersection." According to 'KSDK' Channel 5, the driver, Rhonda Weedman, was killed.

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