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Friday, 31 January 2025

3 tips to have a beautiful spring garden

Credit: ABC15 Arizona
Duration: 04:41s 0 shares 2 views

3 tips to have a beautiful spring garden
3 tips to have a beautiful spring garden
Justin Rohner is the founder of

Know, I love tip garden.

Itherapy, but I'm not necesgreat at it.

It's okay.

Ikilled a few plants in myokay.

Good news.

We have hJustin runners joining usAgra escapes for us to follow in ospring planters.

Okay, firwhat's tip number one, Tiphealthy soil.

So if you goyou're going to have a heahave a healthy plant, youmain problems that peopleSo let's look at some realwe can get an idea what thNow this is a good pottingit's, it's got a nice granto it.

And at home you canown little space that you'growing in.

Get it wateredI want you to just take athen open it up in your hacrumble like in the littlethis, like pea sized pieceis likely a lot of you neesome compost about two thibe that Only one third shosoil.

And if you're doingthen pretty much 100 needsI'm showing you here no napots and raised beds.

Oh nthere, that's a really gooI did not know that.

So thOkay, what's tip number twtwo is starting with healtlot of people try to startgardens with seeds which ijust getting started we regrown here in Arizona andstarts, healthy starts staroots coming out the bottotrajectory that if you tragarden, it's really on theof growth.

There's still rthat will actually be so rsee roots coming out the bcoming out the bottom meanstopped its growth.

So themuch larger than the plantis in the pot.

So a healthpiece of the puzzle.

If yoyour garden, I did not knoknow that.

And you're absoplants here in the valleynorth to northern well if I buy them therlocal.

So many good reasonwhat's number three Justinis all about a healthy roureally, it's about makingconsistent and that you'refrom great sources.

So aftyou can actually get freeplanning software.

That maeasy.

You put in your zipgive you what to plant wheto care for it.

Really cusown garden, which is the ireally want to have.

You wgo for you, not how it's gelse.

And so that's reallyand making sure that you'rgetting out there and beinyou know, and all these, yto get in, you gotta eat tare wonderful.

Did you cuttotally did.

So this is init's actually just like brbit like broccoli.

Alyssummake sure you're getting isource that's not got allthat might otherwise rightyour life.

You know, I havfinal quick question but pquickly because I got to gknow um when it comes to fthere's this one um miraclout there that seems to bedo you recommend when it cShould we do it once a weewe overdo it?

Is there a gYou can definitely overdoorganic sources as best Ilike bio loans and stuff lsource type stuff, liquidmore than twice a month anounce per gallon in your mensure some good success.I know a lot of our othera link to Justin's websitefollow that planting guide

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