Justice Society World War II Movie Clip - Enter Steve Trevor - Plot synopsis: Fighter pilot Steve Trevor takes to the air to rescue the Justice Society of America from a Nazi attack, but when Trevor himself is subsequently imperiled, the JSA – led by both Flashes Barry Allen and Jay Garrick – speeds into action to save their teammate in this all-new clip from Justice Society: World War II.
The clip features the voices of Chris Diamantopoulos (Steve Trevor), Matt Bomer (The Flash/Barry Allen), Armen Taylor (The Flash/Jay Garrick), Stana Katic (Wonder Woman) and Elysia Rotaru (Black Canary).
Produced by Warner Bros.
Animation, DC and Warner Bros.
Home Entertainment, the all-new feature-length animated film arrives on Digital starting TODAY, April 27, 2021, and on 4K Combo Pack and Blu-ray on May 11, 2021.