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Friday, 31 January 2025

G-Eazy Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram

Credit: GQ
Duration: 06:07s 0 shares 2 views

G-Eazy Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram
G-Eazy Goes Undercover on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram

On this episode of Actually Me, G-Eazy goes undercover on the Internet and responds to real comments from YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Quora.

Who would win a rap battle between Drake and G-Eazy?

Who are his favorite artists outside of rap?

- "Who would win in a rap battle"between Drake and G-Eazy?"Hmm...What's up, GQ?I'm G-Eazy, and I'm goingundercover on the internet.[chill music]This is Actually Me.[keyboard typing][chill music]Let's check Twitter.[bird whistles]"Serious question, is G-Eazypronounced separately,"or like, Jeezy?"It's actually G-E-Z.It is G-E-Z.I didn't like my name when I was little.So I went by my initials, G,E, and that just became G-Eazy."My question is, why thesudden decision to sing"in your recent songs?"Digging it, by the way."Quarantine, man.Honestly, I was playing my piano a lot,and I've always wantedto learn how to sing,and I'm still learning.So, I'm still pretty bad at it.I've been rapping for about 17 years.So, you know, I'mcomfortable and confidentwith that approach, you know?But trying to sing and dosomething for the first timeand put yourself out thereis, I don't know, scary."@G-Eazy, what was it likethe first time you heard"E-40's verse on Far Alone?"That had to be nuts."It was insane.E-40 is a voice that Igrew up listening to.He's you know, an icon, alegend, a king, you know?One of the biggest artistsever out of the Bay area.When we did our first song togetherand I got the vocals back,I was actually on tour.I was on the bus and I ranand I plugged my phone in,and I listened to it and I lost my mind.Just hearing his voiceon my song was crazy.Shouts out 40."Who are your favorite artistsoutside of the rap genre?"I listen to a lot ofjazz, Dizzy Gillespie,Chet Baker, Miles Davis, Nina Simone.Outside of jazz, CageThe Elephant's probablymy favorite band.I don't know, a lot of stuff, man.I listened to a lot of music."Some random guy hit me impersonating you."Super weird, I know!"So my question is, howmany confirmed catfish"do you have out there acting like you?"And have you ever caught them up?"I'm interested."You know, that's a weird thing.I can't imagine what wouldbring somebody to do that.There's this really weirdaccount though, on Instagram,that's been following a lot of my friends,called young Gerald's legsand they just post pictures of my legs.So shout out young Gerald's legs.I don't know if they'retrying to impersonate my legsand act like they are my legs,but you're out there trying tobe young Gerald's legs, man,I only got two of themand they're right here.These are the real ones.How'd you say it, Quora?I wasn't even familiar with this.I feel like a grandpa sayingthat, but all right, Quora."Why is G-Eazy oftenreferring to his Zodiac sign"in his music?"Because I'm a Gemini and Ilike the way the word sounds.And duality and juxtaposition,and polarizing two sides,and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.You know, the irony is,I know I talk about it in my music a lot,but I'm really not, you know,very into like, zodiacs andhoroscopes and all that.Sometimes when you reada horoscope, you're like,"Dang, that really is true."But could it be true for anybody?Kinda, you know, youkind of believe what you,what you want to believe.So maybe, I don't know, man.I just know I'm a Gemini."Does G-Eazy have any protests songs?"I wrote a song called "Love Is Gone",where I speak up about a lot of stuffthat's been going on in our world.You know, I think it's,to a certain extent,everybody's civic duty to bea part of the conversationand speak up, and you know,be active in times like these,especially, you know, as an entertainer,you're not necessarily apolitician or an activist,you know, but again, it's like,it's, you know, a certainpart of your responsibilityand what you do with your platform."What is the real nameof the rapper G-Eazy?"My real name is Gerald Earl Gillum.My friends, my family,they call me The Gerald, Jerry,or Gor Mr. Eazy."Who would win in a rap battlebetween Drake and G-Eazy?"Me.

[laughs]Nah, I don't know, man.I love battle rap as a sport.I used to watch a lot of like, smack DVDsand stuff like that.And I know Drake is cutfrom that cloth too.And I've known Drake a long time.Huge, huge, huge fan of his music,but I'd beat him in a battle.

[chuckles]"Is G-Eazy an underrated rapper?"Hell yeah, I'm underrated.[bleeps]All right, let's seesome YouTube comments."G-Eazy really the 5.0 versionof Eminem, change my mind."I think comparisons are justan inherent part of being a,you know, musician, anentertainer, or a public figure.Whatever you want to call it.It just comes with the territory.So it's like, you got tolearn to tune out a lot of it.It is what it is though, you know?It doesn't really bother me.It's like, you know, you're talking aboutone of the highest sellingartists of all timeand one of the greatestrappers of all, all, all time.So, you know, I'm still on myway, trying to make my mark.I'm the 5.0 version of young Gerald.I read "Post Office", Charles Bukowski.I'm reading "A FarewellTo Arms" right now,Ernest Hemingway.[laughs] "Does he really read the books?"Just curious."It often like, surprisespeople that I read.I hated reading, actually,growing up, and in school.And I guess maybe it wasn'tuntil a couple of years agothat I just, I dunno, I juststarted appreciating reading.I was a huge fan of Steve Jobs.His biography had a big impact on me.That might've started it.But I also like fiction.I mean, I love classic literature, like,old Hemingway and Fitzgerald.Charles Bukowski isprobably my favorite author.So yes, I do actually read the books.Instagram."How is your skin so clear?"I don't know, man.I wash my face every morning.Shout out to my mom.She has great skin and I'm just,I'm just lucky to be her son.No, I mean, I wash my face,put on some moisturizer,step out the house.I never wear sunscreen, I probably should.But look at me.Okay, ladies and gentlemen,the, the, the, the,that's all, folks!I'm signing off the internet.The best whoever did itand got away with it.Yeah!

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