Intergalactic Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Written by award-winning showrunner, Julie Gearey, INTERGALACTIC tells the story of fearless young cop and galactic pilot, Ash Harper (Savannah Steyn), who has her glittering career ripped away from her after being wrongly convicted of a treasonous crime and exiled to a distant prison colony.
But on the way there, Ash's fellow convicts stage a mutiny and seize control of their prison transfer ship.
With the flight crew dead, mob leader Tula Quik (Sharon Duncan-Brewster), is intent on reaching the free world -- Arcadia -- with her gang -- and Ash is the only pilot who can get them there.
Ash is forced to join them on the run towards a distant galaxy and an uncertain future.
Directed by Kieron Hawke starring Savannah Steyn, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Eleanor Tomlinson, Natasha O'Keeffe, Thomas Turgoose, Oliver Coopersmith, Imogen Daines, Diany Samba-Bandza, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Craig Parkinson, Parminder Nagra, Neil Maskell release date May 13, 2021 (on NBC's Peacock, U.S.)