AAA spokesman Mark Jenkins explains how the Colonial Pipeline problems should not impact Florida drivers.
AAA spokesman Mark Jenkins explains how the Colonial Pipeline problems should not impact Florida drivers.
Right now is people racingto top off their tanks.
Itcurrently creating a supplhere throughout florida, fby the pipeline.
So there'for concern here throughouhere in Florida.
Um you kngasoline via waterborne vesail from the refineries oMississippi, that bring thto us and delivered througare then driven to our gaswe're seeing right now inthroughout the country, whracing out to the gas statare about 2-3 times higherbasis right now.
It's verythat is very similar to whor after a hurricane, withbuying at the pump with pewhat they're going to see.stations being refueled, Sto bump the top off theirfilling up extra gas cans.know, it's, it's a real ch
Panic buying continues to put a strain on the gas supply in some parts of the Sunshine State. And though Florida’s shortages are..