Dr. Barron says parents however, generally have other concerns if they are unsure about getting their kids vaccinated.
“The biggest things I have been asked are: Can this impact their fertility long-term and concerns about the long-term effect.”
Dr. Barron says parents however, generally have other concerns if they are unsure about getting their kids vaccinated.
“The biggest things I have been asked are: Can this impact their fertility long-term and concerns about the long-term effect.”
In today's your healthy fagot a question from a viewdozing, asking why would 1the same dose of the vacciand with the vaccine now a12 and older, I spoke withepidemiologist, Dr Michellthe answer.
DR Baron saysbased on people's weight bwork.
The difference reallthe I've the idea is thatget a concentration into yare given in a muscle instyou get a vaccine, The idethat it's going into yourwe're trying to stimulateThe immune cells that we'rdon't live in your blood.live in your skin and beneyour skin.
And those are tcorrect antibodies or thebe stimulated to fight thefar as the vaccine.
Now goup and concerned parents wthe vaccine is very safe.it's been given to many minow without any significanother than the initial sidtypical from a lot of vaccbiggest things that I've bis can this impact their fand concern about that lonis nothing that suggests ithat this is a problem.
Thnot quite as new as I thinIt's been around for somedone a lot of investigatioAnd at the end of the day,to open society for kids tgo to summer camp, to be athings that they want to d
With the Pfizer vaccine, now cleared for kids 12 and older, they will be given in the same doses as adults are getting.