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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Sunday Morning Webcast

Credit: WAPT
Duration: 03:44s 0 shares 2 views

Sunday Morning Webcast
Sunday Morning Webcast

16 WAPT Meteorologist Christana Kay has the forecast for Jackson and Central Mississippi.

Lots of sunshine once again today witha few passing clouds of pool daylooking to be pretty nice temperaturesback in the eighties, all across theregion this afternoon.

Go from 80 bynoon to 83 by 2, 84 for us here in theMetro by later this afternoon.

UV indexagain right on the brink of the high tovery high range around at 9.9.

When weget into the summertime months, it'llget into the 11 and 12.

So the higherthe number it is, the easier for skinto burn, especially when I'm protected.So go ahead and make sure you go aheadand apply that sunscreen.

If you'regoing to be outside for a prolongedperiod of time, just to be on the safeside.

We'll stay on the dryer.

No,today, through the morning hourstomorrow, clouds will increaseovernight, but we should stay dry forthe first part of tomorrow and honestlythrough much of the day tomorrow aswell.

Some of us could see a hit ormiss shower or thunderstorm that can'tbe ruled out, but the majority of thatrain is going to be tailored towardsthe Delta as well as back towardsArkansas and Louisiana.

We'll try tosee a system fizzle out across theMississippi River, could see a few loneshowers for more in County down towardsWilkinson County Early tomorrow morningbut notice not a lot of rain, a lot ofthat is gonna be tailored back offtowards the West.

They're going to seearound 3-7 for us, half an inch or lessand that's for the entirety of thisupcoming week.

It's kind of a summerlike pattern, but not really at thesame time, we have the effects in place,but once we see these little shortwaves try to move across theMississippi River, they fizzle out.

Andso the likelihood of us seeing rain isvery limited and the highest chance ofrain all across central Mississippi islooking to be back towards ourMississippi River counties.

The bigstory for at least me, I'm thinking isgoing to be the humidity factor.

We'vebeen sitting in the fifties fairlycomfortable for the past couple of days,but that high pressure kicks offtowards the east.

Low pressure tries tocreep on in and so we have plenty ofmoisture out of the gulf of Mexico.This is going to allow dew points toget back into the upper sixties, lowseventies, not only for the magnoliaState, but we're talking about ArkansasLouisiana texas as well and downtowards the coastline.

So this is goingto provide while taller, but a littlebit humid conditions still bearable,but you're gonna feel it outside as wehead through the middle to end of theweek.

It doesn't really go back down tothe comfortable zone until the backhalf of the week and into the weekendwhen things really start to dry on out.Looking ahead, temperature wise, wehave a little bit of that dig in thetrough that's in the jet stream that isgoing to provide below averagetemperatures back off towards thewestern part of the country.

Two thirdsof the country, they're going to beabove average.

We're looking anywherebetween about 15 to 20 degrees aboveaverage and parts of Ohio over towardsnew york pennsylvania as well as westVirginia for us, anywhere between about3 to 8 degrees above average for thistime of year.

Now the next couple ofdays dewpoints still sitting in thesixties.

So we're actually gonna feellike the Mitchell low eighties.

But aswe kick off the middle to end of theweek, that's where we're going to startto see those dewpoints really get on upthere.

Making real field values in theupper eighties.

Maybe one or two spotsacross the Southeast, feeling like thenineties instead.

Fortunately today,very nice and comfortable 84 degreeswith a few passing clouds overnight.

Alittle bit more on the mild side, 64mostly cloudy and a few pop up showersand a thunderstorm can't be ruled outduring the day.


Gustyconditions around 20 mph.

Again stayingfairly consistent through the nextcouple of days.

Wake up temperatures inthe mid to upper sixties.

Highs in theeighties, hit and miss shower orthunderstorm can't be ruled out eachday this week and we'll finally seethose dry days return all acrosscentral Mississippi next weekend.Yeah.

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