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Saturday, 1 February 2025

Bright Futures Scholarship | Morning Blend

Duration: 05:51s 0 shares 1 views

Bright Futures Scholarship | Morning Blend
Bright Futures Scholarship | Morning Blend
Bright Futures Scholarship Program

Heard about bright futureswhat that program was allhad on so many students anraising my daughter in thiimpacted.

And I don't wantnice to have you on the shthe morning blood we've beof course why it was so imwe've just seen that in coBut where do we begin?

Letto Hillsboro high School aofficer who was there andmake sure as many of us weand prepare ourselves in hlike bright features.

It wgoing to be able to help yin a way with a sense of chelp here from the, from tto help me.

And it's, I that it as if it's investingreally I see it as its invbecause you're investing iwe're turning it into someable to actually positionthe things that I'm most gso excited.

You're changinlooking at this now, becaufocus on how it's helpingsay, for being able to helway, explain what that colyou continue to pay it forhave been able to go throudefinitely in medicine andback to school and that'sand resources and meetingkind of fill in and lay thdo what it is that I do noI'm able to help people usin a way that's really tacon.

But even the physicalI've been able to work witthat are being born by mewith other women and familand it's not just throughthrough volunteering or gischolarships in what it isthat may not be able to hais my way of even working.still kind of like still ckeep those dollars circulayou have for helping peopllike, oh, I don't know theadvice do you want to givedecision of trying to go fkind of like you think thago forward or not?

But jusand take all that you canthat's just going to be figlad as a member of this clook, all the great work ycourse, because of the floare, what are our facebook

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