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Friday, 31 January 2025

Money part of employer recovery grant program given to swingers club

Credit: NewsChannel 5 Nashville
Duration: 03:55s 0 shares 2 views

Money part of employer recovery grant program given to swingers club
Money part of employer recovery grant program given to swingers club

Taxpayer money went into the bank accounts of a Nashville swingers club that was forced to close by the COVID-19 pandemic, a NewsChannel 5 investigation discovered.

Yeah, good evening taxpayea sex club.

An exclusive ninvestigation discovered ihere in Nashville.

Our chireporter Phil Williams diswas part of the hundreds ogiven to Tennessee businesCovid shutdown.


WhatMinaj is, is for the mostthe imagination.

The downtClub advertised fantasy roand private playrooms, A pto one of its ads, you cousupplemental employer recopocketing at least $30,000we uncovered.

It's a swingDemocratic Caucus, leaderof Nashville in business iSo this is where our moneythe Swinger's club may haveven more of your money oudollars that the state gotfederal government.

The Lesays 882 million went forrelief for various industrdesigned to help businesseIn april 2020 the Tennesseprogram shelled out $200 madministration says who gobecause it's based on theYour reaction is we definifor this.

Um, This is uh,appalling, but I think thawe need, the governor needtracking the money is likemoney.

That the state's tois anticipating its billiodollars coming to TennesseMoon power worries about wfor a total of $6.2 billioof this past session had tto deposit the money.

I memoney, it's too much moneypowers especially concernemight inadvertently use ththe money back using localabout those communities thin trouble.

Do you worry aworry about fraud becausethat we are there in the aour best to find the fraudis going to be looking forIn the case of the Swingerapparently no provisions tcollecting that money.

Weout that Madonna has alsothrough the federal governprogram, Phil Williams NewThank you fill the state Dsays small businesses hadhad real losses as a resuland had to certify that th

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