Mostly sunny and hot.
More humid.
Highs near 90.
Southwest winds at 10-20 mph, gusting to 25-30 mph at times.
Mostly sunny and hot.
More humid.
Highs near 90.
Southwest winds at 10-20 mph, gusting to 25-30 mph at times.
Here's the forecast latertonight.
Really balmy drop70 for an overnight low 72a.m.
But in between four owe get down to 70 then rebsunshine will be dominanceI think a few more cloudsTuesday, Wednesday and thupartly sunny days, High tethere can be an afternoonon really any of those daybe tremendous.
Most hourscan be heavier downpour frsome areas.
Then we go drythrough Thursday time stre
Becoming partly cloudy from north to south this afternoon. Many areas stay dry but there can be a few showers or a pop-up..
Some scattered storms are possible, especially north of I-64