Vaccine rates low for young adults, experts worry about Delta variant
New state data shows vaccination rates are at the lowest they've been since vaccines became readily available, with younger people..
Yeah, yeah.
Black Michiganthe states lowest vaccinatofficials have been reachicommunities since the COVIbecame available, but distpersists.
There's been a hevents in the health carethat say that trucks withis low michigan dot gov shof the state's black residthe race of everyone who hbut that's still well behi40% of whom have gotten atare hesitant because of awremember um, during poliopast times when we had disthat the method scientificand viruses that they woulthat they would actually iTerrence King noticed membwere hesitant to receive ta virtual conference to geit.
Those that were thereof historical reasons, rigexperiment.
They rememberbecause there were questioanother experiment we didwhat are your concerns?
Anof them had concerns suchwaiting to see Lansing resfalls into the first categairmen experiments.
There'of vaccines and things thahelp our people that interIt's experimental.
Pastorhis community about the vainformation flyers in diffwell as hosting a vaccinatYou feel it is part of ourleast present the informatwe want to encourage peoplfor their health in hopescommunity Pastor King andvaccinated.
We had it recothat out to others so thatleaders getting vaccinatedvolumes Because people wil
New state data shows vaccination rates are at the lowest they've been since vaccines became readily available, with younger people..