BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTES Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A massive Japanese hit, acclaimed by ONE CUT OF THE DEAD director Shin'ichirô Ueda as a worthy successor to his continuous one-take sensation, it’s the time travel suspense comedy of the decade.
Cafe owner Kato is relaxing after a long day when an image of himself suddenly appears on his television speaking from the future of two minutes.
Soon Kato, his staff and regular customers are trapped in a time prison eager to learn about the distant future.
But a Time Echo accelerates the paradox fiasco and a mysterious duo pays a visit as the future strikes back.
Director: Junat Yamaguchi.
With: Kazunari Tosa, Riko Fujitani, Gota Ishida, Masashi Suwa, Yoshifumi Sakai.
Japan 2020.
70 mins.