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Sunday, 5 January 2025

Childcare presents issues for Michiganders returning to work

Credit: FOX 47 News Michigan
Duration: 02:14s 0 shares 1 views

Childcare presents issues for Michiganders returning to work
Childcare presents issues for Michiganders returning to work

As people begin returning to the workplace, one major obstacle stands in their way: childcare.

Yeah, yeah.

As people starway.

Child care from nonprorganizations to childcareMany in the Lansing communimportance of this issue aaddress it.

We're startingincrease in child care neeIt was very few and far inwere getting phone calls,several calls of dana.

Theis due to receive $1.4 bilfunding for childcare.

Andissues say it can't come sjoined with numerous otherthroughout the state, uh tdollars are spent in an efway for employers, workingfor the Children.

Michigannon profit child policy anthat is pursuing public poaddress what President andcalls a broken system.

I tstrong bipartisan supportfor improving our child caourselves and we're seeingreally starting to dig intbuy it and understand it.district recently announcefree pre K this fall, whicbit of much needed help.

TThis could be a real talenretention tool for workingwith Lansing school distriinnovative approach and ofcharge.

But this issue stion many michiganders.


We are hearing femployers, more and more emode and it's really goingfor our full economic recome that negotiations withare ongoing and Gillard samichigan's Children will c

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