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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Increasing rain chances

Credit: WYFF
Duration: 04:16s 0 shares 3 views

Increasing rain chances
Increasing rain chances
Increasing rain chances

Well, as we close out the weekend,we're watching several features thatare going to be producing a good amountof moisture for our area over thecourse of the next few days as of rightnow, nice and quiet.

But to our northand northwest here, this is going to bea cold front that swings on through andthis is essentially going to stall outover our area, providing us increasedrain chances over the next few days,but in particular will begin to see ittoday.

Now, at any point, I can't ruleout a chance for an isolated shower orstorm, but the best chance will arriveas we get into the afternoon and intothe evening, scattered showers andstorms possible.

Now, the good news fortoday, even though I do expect us tosee a little bit more cloud cover, thiswill actually help to prohibit anychance for strong to severe storms orat least limit it's still going to seethat possibility, but it will limit anystronger storms for today and it willalso bring us a better chance forreally a cool down as far astemperatures go.

So topping out in thelower 90s yesterday.

Today, I thinkwe'll only be in the Mid 80s, sodefinitely a change of pace for us, butnotice will still be tracking a fewscattered showers and storms eventhrough the evening.

These willgradually die out and then our focuswill turn to Fred.

Now it is remnantsof Fred, it was a tropical storm thengot downgraded to a tropical depressionand now it's not even organized enoughto really even be called anything atthis point except remnants of fred.

Nowit does look like as fred does continueto work its way into the warmer watersof the gulf.

It will start to re emergeand become another name storm stillgoing to be fred, but it likely becometropical storm fred over the course ofthe rest of this weekend.

Getting usinto early next week.

Now notice itstill has this track pushing anywherefrom the panhandle of florida intomobile Alabama as it lifts northwardmonday into Tuesday into Georgia andAlabama and it starts to work its waytowards the Carolinas as we get intoTuesday night and into Wednesday.

Nowtracking this, it still looks like fredis going to remain a little bit to ourwest.

However, we're watching twodifferent features that are actuallygoing to bring us increased moistureover the next few days.

So timing outfred, you can see all of this moisturethat it's going to be bringing towardsthe panhandle of florida approachingthe coastline here we get into mondayat some point on monday it will make alandfall and then it'll really quicklyweaken as it lifts northward intoAlabama and Georgia and then as itcontinues this north northeastern tracknotice it kind of gets absorbed withinthis front, So that's going to be thething that's going to be stillproducing us a good amount of moistureeven as we get through Wednesday.

Butboth of these features combined arereally going to produce us heavyamounts of rain over the next few days.We could see anywhere from 2-5 andlocalized amounts a little bit higherof rain over the course of mondayTuesday and Wednesday.

And we're notdone yet, we're still tracking tropicalstorm Grace as well and it looks tomake a pretty similar track as it worksthrough Dominican Republic Haiti andjust off the coast of CUba and thenstarts to get into the gulf just likefred is By the end of next week.

Sosomething certainly to watch and itwill bring those impacts by the end ofnext week into the weekend.

So lots towatch as far as the tropics go.

So overthe course of today we'll see a chancefor a few scattered showers and storms85° today, turning much cooler the nextfew days.

But increased rain chances.We'll be pushing on through as we trackfred and its impacts for the upstatenortheast Georgia and the mountains aswe get towards thursday, still going tosee rain chances continue and ourtemperatures gradually warm up butstill staying a few degrees belowaverage for the majority of this timeframe, but it certainly will be a wetperiod for us.Mm Yeah,right

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