Partly cloudy and humid.
Chance for showers or storms. Highs in the mid-80s.
Heat index values in the 90s.
Partly cloudy and humid.
Chance for showers or storms. Highs in the mid-80s.
Heat index values in the 90s.
Just to recap that forecastonight 72.
If you've hadrunning, just leave it insame is true as we work ouAir temp tops out in the mwhen you factor in the verthat will feel like it's imost of the afternoon, scacan't be ruled out the samfor saturday.
Although I rthe chance for rain is vershould be quite isolated.likely on the dry side, itshower.
Thunderstorm is ththrough here later sundayMonday will be our day ofIt's humid in the morning,
Partly cloudy and humid. Chance for a P.M. shower or storm. Highs in the mid/upper 80s. Heat index values in the middle 90s.