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Friday, 21 February 2025

Missoula volunteers hit the trails and build a new one

Credit: KPAX - Western Montana
Duration: 02:22s 0 shares 1 views

Missoula volunteers hit the trails and build a new one
Missoula volunteers hit the trails and build a new one

On Saturday a team of about 50 got to work just south of Missoula for National Public Lands Day.

I'm Geneva Zoltek in MissoYou usually don't have toa trail to get lost in walwoods is a past time for tenough to call the state hto the resources that theya special one because we'rtrail, you know, not justones On Saturday on NationA team of about 50 got toStone.

The House of Sky Tropen to the public but wilit by hand a lot, gives aan organic field just in trhythm of the trail and hotrees and mountain bike.

Mbrian Williams designed thterrain steepness and usesThere's also creativity inthe the hillside.

What creand makes the trail feel iexperience.

Trail planningneeds of wildlife, propertare assessed.

Then it's thup some sleeves and carvinthis one.

Um, but we volunbuilding other trails aroufrequently, five valleys,bike, Missoula Montana TraCorps and Missoula Parks aon the job this fall day.back and I do a lot of moualso really cool to get athe trails before they'rework ranges from digging uorganic matter in the when you ride the traand you'll remember like Iworking on this corner, restump before it got cut?

Ybe a lot of roots here andwork, it has a deeper meanbecause then you're also mcare of them um, and not dbe bad for them because yoactually doing this is a lwant to keep them as goodof Sky Trail is set to be

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